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Transport Innovation Gender Observatory (TInnGO)



Value of project


Value to Coventry University


TInnGO logo

Project team

Professor Andree Woodcock (PI), Paul Magee, Kat Gut, Sinead Ouillon, Professor Ann-Marie Nienaber, Dr Janet Saunders, Pete Atkinson, Sanghamitra Datta, Professor Hilary Nesi


West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA); Copenhagen University (UCPH); VTM-Consultores em Engenharia e Planeamento LDA (VTM); F.K. Liotopoulos & SIA EE (SBOING); Interactions Limited (INTER); Integral Consulting R&D (INTECO); Smart Continent LT UAB (SC); Technische Universitaet Ilmenau (TUIL); Lever S.A. Development Consultants (LEVER); Instituto Tecnologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica (ITENE); Societal Travel CIC (SOCTR); Politecnico di Torino (POLITO); LGI Consulting (LGI); Signosis sprl. (SIGNOSIS); Statens Vag-Och Transport Forsknings Institut (VTI); Krause Juliane Klara Auguste (P&A); Municipality of Alba Iulia (AIM); EMEL-Empresa Publica Municipal de Estacionamento de Lisboa, E.E.M (EMEL); Comune di Torino (TORINO)

Duration of project

November 2018 - November 2021

Project overview

TInnGO, the Transport Research Observatory, is a pan European observatory for gender smart transport innovation, that provides a nexus for data collection, analysis, dissemination of gender mainstreaming tools and open innovation, encouraging smart mobility.

The TInnGO project aims to develop a framework and mechanisms for a sustainable game change in European transport, by using the transformative strategy of smart mobility in diversity-sensitive ways. It addresses gender-related contemporary challenges in the transport ecosystem and women’s mobility needs, creating a route for Gender Sensitive Smart Mobility in European Transport, which considers diversity of different groups.

A Pan European Observatory for gender smart transport innovation is providing a nexus for data collection, analysis, dissemination of gender mainstreaming tools and open innovation. TInnGO aims to lead research into a new era in order to create context-specific approaches to addressing gender related challenges in the transport sector. The emphasis of TinnGO on diverse and specific transport needs is evident in its unique comparative approach enabling contributions from and influence of stakeholders and partners from thirteen EU countries and ten TInnGO Hubs.

The Hubs promote gender smart mobility by building the capacity to generate and apply evidence on issues relating to gender equality and transport, by highlighting case studies of women leaders in smart mobility and by developing gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility solutions through associated idea factories, called Transport Innovation Gender Idea Labs (TInnGIdLabs).

Find out more about TInnGO.

Project objectives

  1. To contribute to a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable Europe by addressing gender and diversity  bias in the transport sector.
  2. To provide a series of tool and methods which can be used to understand and remove gender bias across the Transport Business Ecosystem.
  3. To provide a ‘one stop shop’ for research related to gender and diversity in transport.
  4. To promote and generate gender and diversity sensitive transport solutions.
  5. To engage with vulnerable and excluded groups in each of our 10 national hubs.
  6. To demonstrate the value of design in developing new transport solutions.
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