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UKRI GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub


ESRC as part of UKRI’s Global Challenges Research Fund


£19,863,201 FEC

Project Team

Professor Heaven Crawley, Coventry University, UK Director, Professor Joseph Teye, University of Ghana, Co-Director, Professor Alison Phipps, University of Glasgow, Co-Director, Professor Louis Herns Marcelin, Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development and Development, Co-Director, Dr Tanja Bastia, University of Manchester, Co-Investigator, Dr Nicola Piper, Queen Mary University London, Co-Investigator, Dr Kavita Batta, Queen Mary University London, Co-Investigator, Dr Nassim Majidi, Samuel Hall, Co-Investigator, Professor Laura Hammond, SOAS, Co-Investigator, Dr Oliver Bakewell, University of Manchester, Co-Investigator, Dr Jessica Hagen-Zanker, ODI, Co-Investigator, Dr Katharine Jones, Coventry University, Co-Investigator, Dr Stephen Gelb, ODI, Co-Investigator, Dr G. 'Hari' Harindranath, Royal Holloway, Co-Investigator, Professor Tim Unwin, Royal Holloway, Co-Investigator, Professor Cathy Zimmerman, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Co-Investigator, Dr Kando Amedee Soumahoro, Institute for Governance, Development and Prospects, Co-Investigator, Dr Jixia Lu, China Agricultural University, Co-Investigator, Dr Dereje Feyissa Dori, Peace and Development Centre, Co-Investigator, Dr Anita Ghimire, Nepal Institute for Social and Environmental Research, Co-Investigator, Dr Seng-Guan Yeoh, Monash University Malaysia, Co-Investigator, Dr Bonayi Hubert Dabire, Higher Institute of Population Sciences, Co-Investigator, Dr Faisal Garba, University of Cape Town, Co-Investigator, Professor Mariama Awumbila, University of Ghana, Co-Investigator, Dr Jailson de Souza e Silva, Instituto Maria e João Aleixo, Co-Investigator, Eliana Souza Silva, Instituto Maria e João Aleixo, Co-Investigator

Project Partners

  • International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
  • Office of the High Commissioner for Guman Rights (OHCHR)
  • Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  • UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
  • PositiveNegatives
  • @iLabAfrica
  • Migrant Worker Justice Initiative
  • Namati

Project Overview

Migration between the countries of the Global South, otherwise known as South-South migration, accounts for nearly half of all international migration, nearly 70% in some places. The potential of South-South migration to contribute to development and delivery of the SDGs is widely acknowledged but remains unrealised, largely due to existing inequalities at the global, national and local levels which determine who is (and is not) able to migrate, where to, and under which terms and conditions. These multidimensional inequalities are associated with a lack of rights for migrants and their families; difficult, expensive and sometimes dangerous journeys; and limited opportunities to access services and protection, which can, in turn, exacerbate inequalities.

The Hub’s overarching vision is to:

  • Deepen academic and policy understandings of the relationships between South-South migration, inequality and delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Explore the impact and effectiveness of interventions to reduce inequalities associated with South-South migration;
  • Build interdisciplinary migration research capacity in the Global South by providing extended opportunities for knowledge exchange and training;
  • Bring this knowledge and expertise into contact with local, national and international organisations; and
  • Influence national and international policy processes.

In order to do this the Hub creates a network of research and delivery partners from 12 ODA-recipient countries that constitute six South-South migration 'corridors' between which there are significant flows of people, skills, resources and knowledge: Burkina Faso-Côte d’Ivoire, China-Ghana, Egypt-Jordan, Ethiopia-South Africa, Haiti-Brazil, and Nepal-Malaysia. Each has markedly different inequality patterns and forms, a range of development challenges and diverse policy approaches enabling a rich comparative analysis of the complex and multifaceted relationships between South-South migration, inequality and development in origin and destination countries. The Hub explores horizontal and vertical inequalities from an intersectional perspective, examining how and why multidimensional inequalities create and constrain the opportunities and benefits of South-South migration.

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