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Quality Management Processes

The Doctoral and Researcher College Board has oversight of and takes an active role in the approval and review of:

  • Coventry University Research Degree programmes
  • Collaborative Doctoral Programmes

Coventry University Research Degrees Framework and Programme Approval

These are programmes that are delivered and operated at Coventry University or at a recognised Research Institute.

Approval process:

flow diagram cov reserch degrees

Collaborative Doctoral Programmes

The University has two forms of Collaborative programme, these are:

Dual Registration/Award - can only be with another Higher Education Institution (HEI) that has Doctorate-Awarding powers and is of equal, or higher status than Coventry University.

Usually only approved at an institutional level with a strategic partner with an excellent track record in research and doctoral education.

The Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) are registered with both HEIs and must meet the regulatory requirements for both.

PGRs are jointly supervised by at least one supervisor from each HEI. The supervisory team must meet the requirements from each institution in terms of experience and training.

This kind of Collaborative Doctoral Programme is expected to see significant growth in line with the objectives to support the diversification of the doctoral portfolio.

Co-tutelle - is a subset of dual registration/award where a PGR  would typically spend at least one year (full-time registration) or two years (part-time registration) at each HEI.

Can be approved at an individual level to support the development of academic-led and discipline-specific research collaborations.

Also approved at a programme level with strategic partners. 

This kind of collaborative doctoral programme is expected to see significant growth in line with the objectives to support the diversification of the doctoral portfolio.

Approval process:

flow diagram collaborative doctoral programme

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023