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During Registration

In support of the University's General Regulations and Academic Regulations (Chapter 8 and/or 9) all Postgraduate Researchers and their Supervisors are required to adhere to supporting Procedures, Processes and Guidance.

Registration starts from the point that a Candidate enrols following an offer to a Postgraduate Research Degree. This period will vary depending on the award for which the Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) has enrolled and maximum registration periods are defined within Chapter 8 of the Academic Regulations. Registration for a Research degree is a commitment and required a PGR to attend and engage with the University in order to successfully complete their programme of research.

The University defines the expected requirements for all students within Postgraduate Research Attendance and Engagement Procedure (pdf). This Procedure covers areas such as:

  • Attendance at Coventry University
  • Absence
  • Remote Study for data collection or other research related absence
  • Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity related absence
  • Engagement definitions for Postgraduate Research
  • Expected time spent on research by mode
  • Tier 4 Monitoring requirements.

This Procedure is also supported by additional process guides which can be accessed by current Postgraduate Researchers and Supervisors via the Doctoral College Student Portal.

The Postgraduate Research Supervision Procedure (pdf) supports the University's commitment to providing its Postgraduate Researchers with high-quality supervision, which is academic led and tailored to the needs of the individual. This policy covers areas such as:

  • General requirements for all research degrees
  • Roles within the Supervisor Team
  • Responsibilities of the Supervisory team

For additional Proceduress please also see:

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