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In support of the University’s General Regulations and Academic Regulations (Chapter 8 and/or 9) all Postgraduate Researchers and their Supervisors are required to adhere to supporting Procedures, Processes and Guidance.

To monitor and support all Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) the University requires an annual review. The Postgraduate Research Progression Procedure (pdf) supports the University’s requirements in meeting the UK QAA Quality Code expectations and indicators and outlines how Progression will be managed and is supported by additional guidance that outlines the details of the process.

In exceptional cases and within limited periods PGRs may seek extensions to annual reviews where there are mitigating circumstances and in line with the Extension to Progress Reviews and Examination Procedures (pdf).

There is also additional specific guidance available for Postgraduate Researchers is available through Student Portal.

Alongside this with the growth of collaborative programmes and the University’s, Transnational Research Degrees the University’s Code of Conduct for Postgraduate Research Remote Progress Reviews and Examination (pdf) sets out basic expectations for Progress Reviews held remotely that are intended to safeguard the PGR experience.

For additional Procedures please also see:

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