Research search results

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Tales of Two Studies – Solving a Social Conflict or Seeking a Financial Benefit

This CFCI event will discuss research approaches in economics and finance: can there be a conflict?

Networks of Gender: Connecting PGRs Through Gender Research

This event will connect postgraduate researchers who are working on, or who have an interest in, gender-related topics, to share ideas, meet potential collaborators and learn from each other. 

Intimate Issues: Postdigital Intimacies and Mental Health Care

In this talk, the point of departure is that online mental health support provides a form of care whose implementation is highly dependent on generating intimacy, which involves experiences of proximity, security, trust and confidentiality.

Unlocking the Potential of Sensors for our Environment

This event marks the launch of the report: ‘Unlocking the Potential of Sensors for our Environment: A Call to Action from a NERC Writing Retreat’.

Engaging Ethnic Minorities with Retirement Planning

This CBiS seminar will discuss what can be done to engage minorities with retirement planning.

University Professor awarded Fulbright Fellowship for extensive contributions to curatorial field

Professor Carolina Rito has been honoured with a Fulbright Fellowship in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the field of curatorial studies.

Magnificent Maths and Phenomenal Physics: Open Day

Coventry University's Fluid and Complex Systems Research Centre is opening its doors to the public once again, promising a day filled with experiments, captivating science shows, and fascinating talks.  

Coventry University leads UK-Indonesia initiative to increase disability inclusion in higher education

A new initiative led by Coventry University is pioneering solutions to address the challenges faced by disabled students in Indonesian universities.

The glass cliff phenomenon and female chair appointments

This CFCI event will present the findings of the funded research sponsored by BA/Leverhulme on the Glass Cliff Phenomenon in female Chair appointments.  

From nurse to professor - an academic leap forward for healthcare professionals

A collaboration between Coventry University and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has appointed a nurse into a professorial role for the first time.

Great expectations: a predictive processing account of human balance control

This research considers ways we can deliberately “manipulate” our predictive brains by using various interventions to modify our beliefs/expectations about an important perceptual-motor skills.

Service Evaluation of Lifestyle Clinics

Due to the limited examination of lifestyle clinics this research involves conducting a mixed-methods service evaluation of lifestyle clinics in Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire.

Coventry HDRC Seminar: Upskilling Residents to be Community Researchers

Sinead Ouillon will discuss how local residents can be provided with the skills to conduct their own research projects, and how this research can benefit their community.

Why Movement Skills Matter for Grassroots Coaches

The centre for Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise Sciences at Coventry University are running a free CPD session for grassroots football coaches.

Coventry City Region case study: Mapping of Coventry’s foodscape as a site of agroecological transition

This interactive seminar and workshop will consist of a presentation summarising the evolution of Coventry’s food system over the past 70 years.

Anthropocentric Placemaking vs Cinematic Placemaking: A Talk on Cinema’s Operativity in (Making) Places

ARTSPACECITY researchers from the Centre for Postdigital Cultures are hosting a new online seminar series.

Corporate tax corruption and fraud in the UK: A critique of corporate criminal liability in practice

The CFCI seminar will discuss Corporate tax fraud and corruption and assessment of the efficacy of the law enforcement measures to counter them.

STRANGE/R/NESS: Under Cover of Niceness: Deepening White Supremacy through Wellness, Crypto & Hyper Segregation

Part of a series of online events that explore what is uncanny, strange, and ‘other’ in relation to today’s digital, and postdigital, intimacies.

Sports injury candidate Theresa Heering awarded Coventry University’s Postgraduate Researcher of the Year 2024

Theresa Heering, a PhD student from Coventry University’s Centre for Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise Science, has won the Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) of the Year Award 2024.

New global guidelines on the management of pregnancy and childbirth for people with hypermobility conditions developed by researcher

A Coventry University researcher has led the co-creation of new evidence-based strategies and approaches to improving care and health practices for people with hypermobility conditions during pregnancy and childbirth.