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Business and Organisational Psychology MSc Course
Benefit from the flexibility of our 100% online Business and Organisational Psychology MSc degree.
Business and Organisational Psychology MSc Course
Benefit from the flexibility of our 100% online Business and Organisational Psychology MSc degree.
Construction Management with BIM MSc Course
Developed in collaboration with industry, our 100% online Construction Management with BIM MSc course aims to help you progress your career and improve skills in project delivery, leadership, decision making, strategic thinking and communication.
Construction Management with BIM MSc Course
Developed in collaboration with industry, our 100% online Construction Management with BIM MSc course aims to help you progress your career and improve skills in project delivery, leadership, decision making, strategic thinking and communication.
Construction Project and Cost Management MSc Course
Our practice-led, accredited, 100% online Construction Project and Cost Management MSc course has been developed in response to rapid changes in the global construction industry and explores innovative, non-adversarial approaches to project and cost management.
Construction Project and Cost Management MSc Course
Our practice-led, accredited, 100% online Construction Project and Cost Management MSc course has been developed in response to rapid changes in the global construction industry and explores innovative, non-adversarial approaches to project and cost management.
Crowded Places and Public Safety Management MSc/PGCert Course
From international sporting events and concerts to world-class retail and transport hubs, mass gatherings are increasing in scale and complexity. In the current global environment, the challenges of keeping people safe are greater than ever - whether that’s planning for international mega events or dealing with the impacts of social distancing.
Disaster Management and Resilience MSc Course
Disaster impacts economic growth and increases inequality across the global population. Study our Disaster Management and Resilience MSc online course and gain a professional qualification that will help you make a difference in this crucial field.
Disaster Management and Resilience MSc Course
Disaster impacts economic growth and increases inequality across the global population. Study our Disaster Management and Resilience MSc online course and gain a professional qualification that will help you make a difference in this crucial field.
Disaster Risk and Resilience PGCert Course
Studied 100% online, our Disaster Risk and Resilience PGCert has been reviewed and updated through frequent consultation with the sector. This PGCert course is designed to provide you with the essential high-level knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate your credibility in the sector.
Disaster Risk and Resilience PGCert Course
Studied 100% online, our Disaster Risk and Resilience PGCert has been reviewed and updated through frequent consultation with the sector. This PGCert course is designed to provide you with the essential high-level knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate your credibility in the sector.
Emergency and Incident Management PGCert Course
The Emergency and Incident Management PGCert course is designed to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to fulfil duties that fall upon organisations arising from civil contingencies legislation and other aligned civil defence duties in similar international contexts.
Emergency and Incident Management PGCert Course
The Emergency and Incident Management PGCert course is designed to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to fulfil duties that fall upon organisations arising from civil contingencies legislation and other aligned civil defence duties in similar international contexts.
Emergency Management and Resilience MSc Course
This 100% online Emergency Management and Resilience MSc degree is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to excel in the field of emergency management.
Emergency Management and Resilience MSc Course
This 100% online Emergency Management and Resilience MSc degree is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to excel in the field of emergency management.
Emergency Preparedness and Management PGCert Course
This course is designed to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to fulfil duties that fall upon organisations arising from civil contingencies legislation and other aligned civil defence duties in similar international contexts.
Emergency Preparedness and Management PGCert Course
This course is designed to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to fulfil duties that fall upon organisations arising from civil contingencies legislation and other aligned civil defence duties in similar international contexts.
Human Factors in Aviation MSc Course
From flight crew to cabin crew, air traffic controllers to aircraft engineers, the human element is vital to the safe and efficient operation of all aspects of the aviation industry.
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LaTHE) PGCert Course
Elevate your teaching, learning and assessment practices to enhance student success in the modern higher education setting with this 100% online Learning and Teaching in Higher Education PGCert course. This course must be studied whilst employed in the sector in a role with substantive teaching/learning responsibilities.
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LaTHE) PGCert Course
Elevate your teaching, learning and assessment practices to enhance student success in the modern higher education setting with this 100% online Learning and Teaching in Higher Education PGCert course. This course must be studied whilst employed in the sector in a role with substantive teaching/learning responsibilities.