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Find out more about the WorkPlan project.
Find out more about the project team behind the WORKPLAN project at Coventry University.
Workplace News and Publications
With our range of postgraduate degrees, you can enrol directly onto one of our MSc courses and complete the eight taught modules and final working paper. Alternatively you can top up your postgraduate certificate with the additional four modules required, successfully complete the final working paper and graduate with a master’s degree. All assessment is industry based and can be applied to your working environment.
Information about travel and accommodation for the Disability Sport Conference 2024.
The Our Team page for CPS's Impact Area, Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
Enhancing Maritime Security research publications.
Our Work: Centring migrant voices and perspectives in migration policy and practice
Our Publications page for Strengthening the work of faith-based organisations in Education
Find out more about the Laser Processing and Joining within the Centre for Future Transport and Cities.
The ELC is annotated for three pragmatic features: Humour, Story-telling and Summary.
A collection of videos regarding the National Transport Design Centre
Find out more about the WorkPlan project, including information for participants.
Opening up Education in South-Mediterranean countries ( is an international cooperation project involving five partners from Europe and nine from the South-Mediterranean (S-M) region (Morocco, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan).
Recruitment for Marie Sklodowska-Curie ESR Fellows in Innovative Training Network, RECOMS. 15 vacancies now closed for applications. Trains in innovative approaches to promote resourceful & resilient community environmental practice
EuroSPF 2017 - Call for Abstracts