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A Clinical Approach to Pain for Health Professionals CPD Course
The module is designed to allow clinicians to develop a holistic understanding of contemporary pain science and how these principles impact on clinical practice. Qualification: Level 7 – 10 credits
Accredited ICDL Advanced Qualifications Course
The International Certificate of Digital Literacy Advanced qualifications are recognised individually demonstrating the application of a specific range of IT user skills and knowledge in the workplace, meeting employer workforce demands. There are three self study ICDL Advanced units and you can obtain a standalone qualification in any one of them.
Accredited ICDL Extra Qualification Course
The International Certificate of Digital Literacy (ICDL) is the internationally recognised qualification for computer users. ICDL aims to improve learners’ understanding of computers and promotes efficient use of software.
Accredited ICDL Foundation Qualification Course
ICDL improves learners’ understanding of computers and promotes efficient use of software. The qualification is widely recognised by employers as proof of ability and competence when working with IT.
Advancing Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapy Practice CPD Course
This module will provide students with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the assessment and management of patients with cardio-respiratory dysfunction.
Advancing Neurological Physiotherapy Practice CPD Course
This module is designed to develop students' theoretical and clinical knowledge within the practice of contemporary neurological physiotherapy. Students will have the chance to evaluate the evidence base associated with current neurophysiotherapy practice and will examine its practical applications.
Advancing Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice CPD Course
This module is designed to develop students' clinical knowledge of the variety of approaches currently used within manual therapy in the assessment and management of neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction. Students will have the chance to evaluate the evidence base associated with the different approaches.
Advancing Practice Physiotherapy ( Live Online via Zoom ) CPD Course
This module is designed to meet the requirements of physiotherapists looking to become Advanced practice practitioners or for existing APPs/ ESPs who wish to further develop their expertise within their advanced practice role.
An Introduction to Process Control Course
A one-day course on the tools, processes and reports associated with basic statistical process control (SPC) as a post measurement process, including how and when it can benefit a business.
Applied Pharmacology for Advanced Clinical Practice online Via Zoom CPD Course
This one-day course covers relevant pharmacological issues for physiotherapists and allied health professionals working in or wanting to work in advanced practice roles.
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) Course
CELTA is the most widely recognised initial qualification for anyone interested in beginning a career as a ‘TEFL/TESOL’ teacher.
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Level 6 Diploma in Professional & Digital Marketing Course
The CIM Level 6 Diploma in Professional & Digital Marketing is developed from extensive employer-led research across various sectors, ensuring they align with industry demands.
Chartered Institute of Marketing Level 4 Certificate in Professional & Digital Marketing Course
The CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional & Digital Marketing has been developed with extensive employer led-research to ensure its relevance in maximising your career progression opportunities.
CIPD Intermediate Certificate in Human Resource Management CPD Course
The CIPD Intermediate Certificate in Human Resources (HR) Management could help you by giving you a broader perspective of the organisational issues facing HR professionals and enable you to develop effective analytical and problem solving skills in the field.
Developing Expertise in Professional Practice CPD Course
This module is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the nature of expertise in therapy practice.
Dimensional Measurement (NPL) Level 1 CPD Course
This three day training course introduces dimensional metrology and its under-pinning principles and methods. Delegates will be taught how to better interpret technical drawings, make fundamental measurement calculations and implement a measurement strategy in a manufacturing engineering environment.
Dimensional Measurement (NPL) Level 2 CPD Course
The Dimensional Measurement Applier course provides knowledge and expertise in the application of measurement. It will encourage a planning culture, enabling organisations to save time and money through the implementation of best measurement practice.
Electrification Pathway (Intermediate) Course
The Electrification Pathway has been designed for organisations and industries in the transport sector and related supply chain that are taking the step to reskill their labour force for the change to Electric Vehicles (EVs).
Entrepreneurship - Summer School CPD Course
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you want to learn the skills and knowledge you need to develop your entrepreneurship skills? Then the Launch Programme is for you! The Launch Programme is an interactive programme designed to cultivate entrepreneurship. In this programme, you will learn about the entrepreneurial mindset, business development, marketing, finance, and more. You will also have the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and mentors. This comprehensive programme aims to provide participants with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to explore and realize their entrepreneurial potential. Delivery date: 7 July – 20 July 2024
Evidence Based Practice CPD Course
This module is designed to provide students with the opportunity to examine the theoretical and philosophical basis of evidence based practice in a health and social care setting. The main aims of the module are to enhance students’ critical thinking and to teach students how to apply evidence based principles to their own area of practice.