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National Institute of Teaching and Education and LLSE hope to launch ‘one-stop shop’ for teacher training News

Current and budding teachers could soon be given greater opportunity of having a rewarding career thanks to a collaboration between the National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE) and Leadership Learning Securing Excellence (LLSE).

Coventry University Group addressing global teaching retention and recruitment challenges through NITE expansion News

Coventry University Group is taking its work to address challenges within the teaching profession global by launching a new international offer through its National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE).

National Institute of Teaching and Education praised by Ofsted News

Ofsted has today (Monday 27 June, 2022) published its report following an inspection of the National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE) in May 2022, rating it ‘Good’ in all areas.

Initial Teacher Training Re-Accreditation News

We are delighted to announce that NITE has successfully been re-accredited by the DfE.

The country’s fastest growing teacher training provider becomes the National Institute of Teaching and Education News

The National Institute of Teaching and Education (the National Institute) - previously known as NSET until receiving official institute status in January 2022 – is bucking a downward trend in teacher recruitment seen over recent months.

Growing From School to Institute News

Established in 2019, the National School of Education and Teaching was awarded Institute status from the Government in late 2021, and this month is launching its new title: the National Institute of Teaching and Education.