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Reporting student anti-social behaviour
At CU Coventry we take the issue of student anti-social behaviour very seriously. We recognise that there might be times when members of the public wish to raise concerns.
Students wishing to raise a complaint
We recognise that there might be times when students wish to raise concerns about the services that we provide
Learn more about the range of undergraduate study options available at CU Coventry. We will help you gain the knowledge and qualifications needed to help you achieve your career goals.
How to enrol - International students
Now that you’ve received your offer to be a Coventry University student, it’s time to see what your next steps are.
8 tips for writing the perfect personal statement
What is a personal statement?
Future Grads is an outreach programme led by Coventry University Group for pupils aged 11 to 19, available at CU Coventry. We work with schools and colleges to support student’s progression throughout their academic journey.
10 things you need to know about Clearing News
Dylan Cozens is a regional student recruitment manager at Coventry University and took time out to answer questions on everything you need to know about Clearing.
Wellbeing project blossoms into Forest of Hope News
CU Coventry’s latest wellbeing activity has blossomed into a Forest of Hope display that will hopefully inspire young people to branch out and talk about their feelings.
Student support is on hand for your every need once you start University with us, from disability advice to social committees – we can help!
Customer Services.
The Library & Learning Services provides students with all their core reading material as well as a variety of additional resources such as a quiet study area, laptop loans and e-resources.
Study a Foundation Year course at CU Coventry.
Courses designed to integrate study into the life that you lead.
Want to find out more about courses and when you can study? All your questions are answered here...
What we spend and how we spend it
Coventry University Publication Scheme
What our priorities are and how we are doing
What our priorities are and how we are doing
How we make decisions
Our policies and procedures