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Promoting the value of sustainable practices in global cut-flower supply chains
Research by the Centre for Business in Society has shown how cut-flower producers, wholesalers, retailers, governments, and representative groups can embed sustainability policies and practices within supply chains.
Transitions in the automotive sector: challenges in delivering a low emission strategy
UK policy to ban sales of new petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles by 2030 presents considerable challenges for people, businesses and places. Multiple research projects led by Coventry University, have resulted in policy solutions that have positively influenced behaviours regarding the adoption of electric vehicles.
Coventry University’s Business and Management ranks highly for its world leading and internationally excellent research Research News
Coventry University’s Centre for Business in Society (CBiS) has had a successful outcome in the latest assessment of research in UK universities.
Study Abroad Semester in Coventry
The Semester abroad is undertaken in January for all students, and fully embedded in your TAR UC degree. All credits gained during your time in the UK will count not only towards your Coventry University degree but also your TAR UC degree.
The Semester abroad is fully embedded in your TAR UC degree. All credits gained during your time in the UK will count not only towards your Coventry University degree but also your TAR UC degree.
Coventry University wins government funding to develop AI technology to predict preterm birth Research News
Researchers at the Centre for Intelligent Healthcare have won government funding to continue developing artificial intelligence (AI) technology to predict preterm birth.
Celebrating Postgraduate Researcher success: Molly Browne Research News
Molly Browne, a recent postgraduate research graduate from the Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities (CAMC), is our latest PGR in the spotlight. We shed light on some of the successes during her PhD studies.
Coventry University Game-based Learning research shortlisted for Global Reimagine Education Award Research News
A Coventry University practice-led research initiative, led by Professor of Game Science Sylvester Arnab from the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), has been nominated to receive the ‘Science of Learning’ award.
Professor elected as a board member of prestigious engineering charity Research News
A Coventry University Professor has been selected as a board member of the Directors’ Board for the Women’s Engineering Society.
Coventry University Postgraduate Researcher represents African Youth Delegates at Pre-COP26 event Research News
Coventry University Postgraduate Researcher Rose Kobusinge was selected to lead the African Youth delegates at a Pre-COP26 event.
Coventry University provide technology aid to support learning in Kigeme Refugee Camp, Rwanda Research News
A humanitarian initiative led by Coventry University has donated essential electronic equipment to Kigeme Refugee Camp in Rwanda.
Coventry University Professor appointed Co-Director for the Doctoral Training Alliance Research News
Coventry University Professor Elena Gaura has been chosen to take on the prestigious role of Co-Director at the University Alliance’s (UA) Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA).
Pioneering Dance Researchers lead campaign to illustrate the importance of dance and bodily knowledge Research News
Researchers at Coventry University are leading a major international campaign which aims to share and celebrate the importance of dance research.
New book by Coventry University researcher explores experiments in open access and collaborative scholarly publishing Research News
Dr Janneke Adema, from Coventry University’s Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), has published her latest book Living Books: Experiments in the Posthumanities with the MIT Press.
I joined Coventry University in 2008 as an Associate Professor in Journalism. I am currently Associate Head of Research, working to support and develop the research culture in Media and Performing Arts.
Publisher VIEW magazine and website, specialising in social affairs journalism.
|Lecturer in Business Analytics Han Zhang has had active teaching roles, her most current role was as Module Leader for Data Mining Methodologies and Applications for Postgraduate students.
Master of Arts by Research in Global Education
The Master of Arts by Research in Global Education is a part-time structured programme that is studied completely online.
Learn more about the facilities available at the Centre for E-Mobility and Clean Growth.
The Centre for Business and Society's response to COP26
COP26 was hugely pertinent to the Centre for Business in Society given the Centre’s responsible business mantra. Not surprisingly there have been some fascinating and highly thought-provoking blogs linked to COP26 authored by CBiS staff.