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Cultural Leadership and Citizenship
This team will be working on Focus Study 1, looking at how City of Culture programming and cultural leadership developed to reflect and represent the citizens of Coventry and the region.
Civic Pride, Health and Wellbeing
This project involves a mixed-methods study to examine how and to what extent the volunteering programme has impacted those taking part; particularly in terms of subjective well-being and civic pride.
Students with special requirements
Accommodation support available for Care Leavers and students with disabilities.
Widening Participation Outreach
Widening Participation Outreach
What if Projects
Ethical Investment
Lecturers and other people within the university are helpful and motivating
Lucy Goodacre is currently studying a masters in Data Science MSc.
I chose Coventry University for the awards and accreditations
Naeema Ghulam Hussain is currently studying a masters in Occupational Psychology MSc.
Lectures with highly experienced professors
Priya Gholap studyed a masters in Healthcare Management MSc.
I have always felt included within the community of my course
Weronika Sielska is currently studying a masters in Architecture MArch.
Coventry University’s Research Centre for Data Science is broadening the scope of its work and changing its name to the ‘Centre for Computational Science and Mathematical Modelling’ (CSM).
Rich Hall is a popular music practitioner, researcher and academic specialising in popular music performance, popular musicology, and music technology. He holds a degree in popular music studies from the University of Leeds and a PhD from Coventry University.
Course Director for BA (Hons) Media Production and also an Assistant Professor in Media Production.
At Coventry University, Sport, Fitness and Leisure provisions are provided across two different sites, offering indoor and outdoor facilities to our Students, Staff, Alumni and Associates to be involved in and feel part of the University community with Active Health and Fitness.
Unique Physiotherapy is an excellent resource within the University and is available to staff and students of the University, as well as the general public.
Senior Lecturer in Business Continuity Management and Director of the Centre for Disaster Management (Applied Research Group) | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:
Lecturer in Analytical Methods | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:
Lecturer in Petroleum and Environmental Technology | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:
Lecturer in Physical Geography | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:
Honorary Lecturer in Computing | College of Engineering, Environment and Science | Email: