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Mark Tyers

Senior Lecturer in Web Technologies | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Dr James Shuttleworth

Associate Head of Computing and the Digital Environment | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Norlaily Yaacob

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Peter Every

Associate Head of Computing, Senior Lecturer and Programme Manager for Degrees in Creative Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Xiang Fei

Senior Lecturer in Computing | College of Engineering, Environment and Science | Email:

Hong Guo

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Michael Odetayo

Michael Odetayo| Michael Odetayo is a Principal Lecturer within the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics.

Leonid Smalov

Senior Lecturer in Information Systems| Leonid Smalov is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics.

Dr. Sandy Taramonli

Lecturer in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics | School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Kamal Bentahar

Assistant Lecturer in Computing | College of Engineering, Environment and Science | Email:

Dr Carey Pridgeon

Lecturer in Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Karl Stevens

Metrologist | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email: | Karl has over 34 years’ experience working within UK manufacturing both in the industry and education sectors. In his role at the university Karl is keen to develop the links between advanced manufacturing and that of dimensional measurement. 

Tariq Aslam

Senior Lecturer and Project Coordinator in Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Richard Lane

Lecturer in Computer Games Technology | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Jianhua Yang

Lecturer in Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Mahmoud Awad

Assistant Lecturer at Games Tech and Multimedia Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Dr Simon Billings

Assistant Lecturer in Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Dr. Matthew England

Associate Professor of Computer Science | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Dr Dan Goldsmith

Assistant Lecturer in Computing | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email:

Dr Irene Glendinning

Academic Manager for Student Experience | Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing | Email: