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Assistant Professor in Finance; Course Director MSc Islamic Finance | Dr Aziz is an Assistant Professor in Finance, and the course director of the MSc in Islamic Finance. She specialises in Islamic Finance, and teaches it at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Assistant Professor | Sarah Horton-Walsh is the Head of School for the School of Marketing and Management, leading all strands of the school's activity. She is also a Chartered Marketer with 18 years of industry experience.
Assistant Professor in Economics | Dr. Nissah is Assistant Professor in Economics within the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting.
Deputy Head of School | Dr Tina Bass has been Deputy Head of School for the School of Strategy and Leadership since 2015, focusing on leading, managing and recruiting academics. Her research interests include employability and managing change.
Assistant Professor in Sport and Event Management | Tom Bason is an Assistant Professor in Sport and Event Management. His research interests include the governance of football clubs.
Assistant Professor in Economics | Dr Pan is an Assistant Professor in Economics. His research interests include managerial economics.
Assistant Professor in Marketing/Advertising | Dr. Spiteri-Cornish is an Assistant Professor in Marketing/Advertising, teaching consumer behaviour and communication psychology. Her research is focused on the psychological and behavioural impacts of public policy communications.
Senior Lecturer in Law | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Assistant Professor in Marketing| Julia Tyrrell is an Assistant Professorin Marketing at Coventry Business School. Prior to entering full-time academia, Julia spent over 10 years in various brand management and marketing management roles for major FMCG companies.
Associate Head of School (International); Associate Professor | Len is an Associate Professor, as well as a facilitator of learning within Higher Education. Len has extensive experience of coaching and developing senior managers from a number of private and public sector disciplines.
Associate Head of School (Student Experience) | As Associate Head for Student Experience in the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Dr. Gray is responsible for managign and enhancing the experience of students in the school.
Assistant Professor in Marketing | Dr Kumar is an Assistant Professor in Marketing with teaching experience for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Her main areas of teaching interest are Consumer Behaviour, Global Marketing and Applied Marketing.
Lecturer in Event Management | Helen Grimley is a Lecturer in Sport and Event Management, teaching across both Sport Management and Event Management courses at an undergraduate level.
Lecturer in Global Business | Ali Ehsan is a Lecturer in Global Business within the School of Strategy and Leadership.
Assistant Professor in Marketing/Advertising | Lara Chaplin is an Assistant Professor in Marketing and Advertising, as well as Course Director for Postgraduate Marketing. She has academic and industry experience, with time spent as a marketing and business consultant.
Senior Lecturer in Law | Coventry Law School | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Lecturer in Marketing and Advertising | Ali's teaching responsibilities campaign management, global marketing and marketing principles. His research interests include communicating to hard-to-reach groups, place branding and celebrity endorsement.
Principal Lecturer in Quaternary Science | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Associate Professor in International Business | Dr. George is Associate Professor in International Business within the School of Strategy and Leadership, with research interests in the links between institutional environments and the geopolitical context of doing business.
Associate Professor | Dr Tanna is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting, and has taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as developing postgraduate degrees in Banking and Finance.