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Find out more about C-PASES
The Doctorate in Business Administration is designed for practising managers with the experience and roles to facilitate impactful change within their organisations as a result of their research.
The Centre for Data Science will be at the forefront of study into big data management and usage, adopting a multidisciplinary approach to ensure relevance across a wide range of research areas.
The HealthPro project is an Office for Students funded initiative, in partnership with Coventry University and NHS Trusts to encourage more males into healthcare professions, bridge the gender gap and remove stereotypes around roles in healthcare.
Meet the people behind Centre for Intelligent Healthcare, from our academic staff to PhD Researchers.
Researcher Vacancies at CAWR
Researcher opportunities at the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity
Researcher Vacancies for the Centre of Intelligent Healthcare
Our experts share their insights.
Global Game Jam is an excellent opportunity for students to experience the game development lifecycle within a condensed period of time.
Karen Bucknall, is coming to the end of her 3 year BA (Hons) Sociology degree. This is Karen's story.
Faith Falusi was fortunate to work for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars (RRMC) and MINI of the BMW Group, where he applied the knowledge gained from his course in both placements.
For his placement, Hameed Abdelbaky was at the largest UK based manufacturing facility for the leading Japanese automotive company DENSO. His role focused on automation of the manufacturing process and trying to give the company a leading edge in the industry.
The Centre for Business and Society's response to COVID-19
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on business and society, including personal finance, tax and spending, horticulture and supply chains and more.
The ‘Cultural Memory’ research strand is about memory as placing, cultural connection and creation.
The Wellbeing and the Arts Theme draws together researchers from various disciplines who are interested in the contribution creative subjects can make to our understanding and enhancement of health and wellbeing.
The Critical Practices strand brings together practitioner-researchers in the fields of visual arts and the curatorial, interested in working across disciplines and exploring innovative and speculative interdisciplinary enquiries.
Entrepreneurship - Summer School CPD Course
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you want to learn the skills and knowledge you need to develop your entrepreneurship skills? Then the Launch Programme is for you! The Launch Programme is an interactive programme designed to cultivate entrepreneurship. In this programme, you will learn about the entrepreneurial mindset, business development, marketing, finance, and more. You will also have the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and mentors. This comprehensive programme aims to provide participants with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to explore and realize their entrepreneurial potential. Delivery date: 7 July – 20 July 2024
Global Leadership Development - Summer School CPD Course
Global competencies such as cultural awareness, intercultural communications, and personal adaptability are highly valuable skills in today’s competitive workforce. Delivery date: 7 July – 27 July 2024
Skills for Global Leaders - Summer School CPD Course
Delivery date: 7 July - 20 July 2024