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Assistant Professor in Accounting | Mas'ud Ibrahim is an Assistant Professor in Accounting, leading teaching for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is also a qualified chartered accountant, and has successfully prepared students for professional exams.
Assistant Director of International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship | Dr. Lockyer is the Assistant Director of the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship, and maintains responsibility for the development and delivery of its academic programmes.
Assistant Professor | Dr Smith is an Assistant Professor in the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship, and course director BA Enterprise and Entrepreneurship and MA Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education.
Lecturer in Operations & Supply Chain Management | School of Strategy and Leadership | Coventry Business School | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Principal Lecturer in Law | Coventry Law School | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management | Gary Connor worked in the steel industry for twenty years, before moving into academia. His main areas of research are the assessment of students as regards employability, fairness and inclusivity.
Assistant Professor in Marketing | Edward Turner's teaching interests are in marketing and brand strategy, with a specialism in simulation based learning. His research investigates firms under private equity ownership, and the impact of that on marketing.
Assistant Professor in Marketing | Ioannis is an Assistant Professor in Marketing and Deputy Director of Postgraduate Marketing Degrees.
Assistant Lecturer in Marketing/Advertising | Jane Pyatt has over 10 years marketing industry experience, gained across tourist attractions, hospitality, utilites and retail, and is now an Assistant Lecturer in Marketing/Advertising.
Lecturer in Human Resource Management | Dr Kakavelakis is a Lecturer in HRM, and his research touches upon the areas of workplace learning and organisational change. He has also acted as a reviewer for numerous journals.
Lecturer in Human Resource Management | Dr Okolai delivers and teaches human resource management from a global perspective. Her research interests include gender leadership differences, intercultural teams and expatriate training and development.
Staff profile for Dr Arun Sukumar
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Our dedicated research teams are investigating a range of issues affecting business and daily life. Explorethe diverse research projects currently taking place in the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS)
The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience drives innovative research for the understanding and development of resilient food and water systems throughout the world.
CAWR About us
CAWR publications page
Research Group: Resilient Food and Water Systems in Practice
This analytical theme focuses on developing new theoretical, conceptual, numerical and practical knowledge on the processes which confer either system resilience or instability
People's Knowledge and Transdisciplinarity Working Group
Our vision is of a world where we can all be part of creating useful new knowledge, whatever our background. We believe that everyone is able to contribute to the production of new knowledge. It doesn’t matter about their background. This thinking underpins People’s Knowledge.
Research Group: Policies and institutions for resilient food and water systems
This research aims to better understand how and under what conditions citizens can be more centrally involved in policy-making and the governance of resilient food and water systems.