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The Big Question: What does populism really look like? Event
In the next of our Big Question public debate series we examine, ‘What does populism really look like?’ Following recent victories for the ‘Leave’ campaign in the Brexit vote and Donald Trump in the US elections and the seeming rise of the ‘populist’ agenda, we will examine both the causes and potential effects of the rise of populist views and their endorsement through these results.
ESRC Festival: Community Food Growing in Lambeth Event
Senior Research Assistant Lizzi Bos was recently awarded £800 to run an event as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science week in November, with a team from CBiS. The event aims to showcase community food growing in Lambeth, London and draws upon Lizzi's doctoral research.
Evening Conversations on Being Human: The Good Death Event
This event is part of a series of Evening Conversations open to anyone interested in debating science and its impact on society. Join us for an evening of discussion where scientists and religious and humanist leaders will discuss whether there is such a thing as a “good death”. Open to everyone.
Edible insects and food sustainability Research News
Could edible insects play an important role in tackling a growing global humanitarian problem?
Postgraduate Researcher of the Year Research News
As part of the Research Hootenanny held at Elm Bank, the new home of the Centre for Research Capability and Development, CAWR nominated Morwenna McKenzie to represent the postgraduate team in the Postgraduate Researcher of the Year competition.
Breakfast Briefing: Refugee resettlement: global dynamics and local challenges Research News
On 30th January, the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations and Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre held the latest of their Breakfast Briefings to discuss the global dynamics and local challenges of refugee resettlement.
Within the framework of the EU-funded NEWBITS project, a benchmark analysis of ITS innovation diffusion has been performed for three specific areas of ITS innovation: 1) Sharing Mobility, 2) Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and 3) Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV’s).
Four types of employees who are potential insider threats Research News
Academics have identified four types of employees who can become a threat to their companies – and explained the reasons why their workplace behaviour declines.
Personal Reflection as a Coventry CTPSR Alumnus Ernest Asigri Research News
I have over seventeen years of development management experience with specialties in Peacebuilding, Human Security and Refugee Livelihoods Sustainability.
SUDSnet International Conference, 2018 Research News
Professor Sue Charlesworth (CAWR) and Dr Rebecca Wade (Abertay University) organised an international sustainable drainage network conference at Coventry University.
C-DaRE Seeking Researchers Research News
This message is an effort to reach thinkers, scholars and artists whose ideas and work do not, at first glance, seem to intersect with our work.
Faith and Peaceful Relations Forum Event
This meeting of the Faith and Peaceful Relations Forum, ‘Swords into Ploughshares?’ will explore this tension and reflect on some of the ways in which faith groups can contribute to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
Gender and violence: Rethinking peace and reconciliation Event
This one day event includes diverse speakers from the world of international development, psychology, peace studies and religion studies to look afresh and in a more nuanced way at the topic of gender and violence. Through our exciting and deliberately diverse programme of key note talks and thought and discussion panels we aim to add diverse inputs and perspectives but also conversation spaces on this topic in order to provoke and stimulate thinking.
The Centre for Technology Enabled Health Research (CTEHR) is delighted that Dr Katherine Brown, Reader in eHealth and Behaviour Change with CTEHR, will be presenting a seminar as part of its 2017 internal seminar series.
Getting Published in European Sports Management Quarterly (ESMQ): Do’s, Don’ts and Hot Topics Event
Professor Tracy Taylor, Deputy Dean at the University of Technology (Sydney) Business School and Editor inChief of European Sports Management Quarterly (the only sports journal ranked at 3* and above in the ABSrankings) will be delivering a seminar for staff and PhD students about the Do’s, Don’ts and Hot Topics when trying to get published in ESMQ.
CBiS presents findings of Tackling Financial Exclusion project Research News
On 29th January 2015, CBiS hosted an event to present the findings of a large-scale project which aimed to form a comprehensive picture of financial exclusion across the UK.
Professor Harris Beider on 'The Big Questions' Research News
Professor Harris Beider from the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations was invited as a panellist to the BBC TV programme The Big Questions which is broadcast live across the network from 10am every Sunday and covers topical issues in current affairs.
The 3rd Global Peace Workshop Research News
The Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University & Mugla Sitki Kocman University are organising The 3rd Global Peace Workshop.
7/7 Reflections Research News
Ten years on from devastating events of 7/7, the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University take a look at where we are now. A decade in reflection.