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The Vice-Chancellor's Office maintains general oversight of all the work of the University and is the main focus for corporate interactions between the University and external bodies.
A copy of the General Regulations at Coventry University.
Sustainability in the Curriculum
Achieving the Responsible Futures kitemark is the first step in an ongoing journey towards sustainability being fully embedded within the Coventry University curriculum.
Coventry University and the Sustainable Development Goals
The UN Sustainable Development Goals establish ‘17 goals to transform our world’. Universities around the world play a critical role in delivering the SDGs
At Coventry University we know that our students and staff are our most important assets: it is through them that the majority of our positive environmental impacts occur, but they also have many opportunities to help us reduce our negative impacts.
Award Verification Service
Student handbooks for each college or school.
At Coventry University we take registers at every timetabled session because good attendance leads to a better student experience and will help improve grades for you and for your fellow students.
Dimensional Measurement (NPL) Level 2 CPD Course
The Dimensional Measurement Applier course provides knowledge and expertise in the application of measurement. It will encourage a planning culture, enabling organisations to save time and money through the implementation of best measurement practice.
The parents / carers guide to UCAS
UCAS is a confusing time for many young people and their parents. This guide can help you through this stressful time and hopefully show you how the UCAS process can be a positive one.
Investing In Research Excellence
Information about our research community and how you can join us.
Softwarica College of IT and eCommerce
As a graduate of our programmes, you will be well positioned for a range of employment opportunities such as software development, database/systems administration, mobile application development, web development and cybersecurity.
View information on Coventry University's partnership with the Middle East College in Oman.
Raffles College of Higher Education
See our courses in Fashion, Design and Management delivered at Raffles Education Group campuses in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
National Institute of Business Management
View information on Coventry University's partnership with the National Institute of Business Management.
Freedom of Information Requests
Advice on what a Freedom of Information (FOI) request is and how to request any information under the Act via the University.
Assistant Professor and Course Director | College of Business and Law | School of Strategy and Leadership |
Discover the research themes for the Centre for Healthcare and Communities.
We recognise the importance of preparing students for the working environment and Business Futures provide the support and opportunities for our students to enhance their graduate employment prospects.
School of Economics, Finance and Accounting
Our courses aim to empower you with the confidence to use the skills, knowledge and understanding you’ll develop at Coventry University, to positively impact the global economy.