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Design Ergonomics and Human Factors
Design Ergonomics and Human Factors at Coventry University's Centre for Future Transport and Cities
Transport Safety and Simulation
Transport Safety and Simulation is a research theme within Coventry University's Centre for Future Transport and Cities.
Research Group: Manufacturing and Materials Engineering
The Faith and Peaceful Relations theme explores the role that faith communities play in building positive peace and fostering human security.
Immersive Culture and International Heritage
Immersive Culture and International Heritage
Postdigital Intimacies
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Find out more about our Sustainable Production and Consumption Research Cluster | Centre for Business in Society
Functional Materials and Chemistry
In the Functional Materials group we have a range of exciting research interests from the coating and surface modification of materials to the development of processes for the circular economy.
National Transport Design Centre
Information on the National Transport Design Centre at Coventry University.
Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) is a collaboration between Unipart Manufacturing and Coventry University.
Centre for Advanced Low Carbon Propulsion Systems (C-ALPS)
Coventry University and German-based international engineering service provider FEV have signed a £30 million deal to build a clean transport lab in Coventry to spearhead research into advanced powertrain development over the next decade.
The Exchange: translating problem-led research into world leading impact
The CTPSR Webinar Series and podcasts present thought provoking and topical research to connect academic and policy audiences through exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Coventry University has signed a collaboration agreement with leading Indian technology service provider L&T Technology Services (LTTS) to build and deliver new generation engineering innovations in the automotive and manufacturing sectors.
Coventry University project to assist emergency services in treating road traffic collision victims Research News
An initiative led by researchers at Coventry University’s Institute for Future Transport and Cities (IFTC), in conjunction with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW), will create a pedestrian trauma database to enhance current understanding of how the human body is affected by major impacts.
Calls for Coventry artists to collaborate in a second Coventry Creates project Research News
We are inviting Coventry postcode (CV) based artists and researchers from the University of Warwick and Coventry University to apply to this exciting call.
Professor Elena Gaura recognised as one of the UK’s Top 50 Women in Engineering 2021 Research News
Coventry University Professor Elena Gaura has been given a prestigious place in the UK’s Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) for 2021, awarded by The Women’s Engineering Society in association with The Guardian newspaper and Assystem.
Researchers lead on thought-provoking Life on the Breadline photographic exhibition Research News
Researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR) are set to premiere a challenging new exhibition on urban poverty in Coventry Cathedral this summer.
Coventry University launches the first International Conference in Techno-Auditing for 2021 Research News
The Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity (CFCI) are inviting paper submissions for the first ever International Conference in Techno-Auditing 2021 (ICTA2021).
#WCCWiki project aims to improve visibility of women on Wikipedia Research News
Dr Victoria Leonard, a researcher from Coventry University’s Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities (CAMC), is leading the #WCCWiki project, which is working to increase the representation of influential female figures on Wikipedia.