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Acua Solutions appoints health specialist News
Leadership development specialists Acua Solutions Ltd - a group company of Coventry University - has strengthened its health sector operations with the appointment of a new associate client director.
Coventry conference promises businesses the inside story on the rail industry News
Manufacturers, businesses and suppliers are being offered the opportunity to help shape the future of the rail industry at a forthcoming conference at Coventry University.
Coventry showcases engineering excellence at industry event News
The engineers of the future will be showcasing their skills at an industry backed competition at Coventry University this month.
Opening exhibition for University's new Lanchester Gallery programme News
Coventry University's School of Art and Design will be hosting a new exhibition in its purpose-built gallery space in the city centre from this Friday.
Coventry University brings forward expansion plans in council agreement News
Coventry City Council and Coventry University today signed an agreement which could lead to the radical transformation of a large part of the city centre.
IT challenge sees computer whizz kids compete at Coventry University News
School pupils, college students and youngsters within Coventry and the surrounding areas will be putting their computing skills to the test at Coventry University next week.
Coventry University recruits expert on the international arms trade News
Coventry University has appointed a world renowned expert on the international arms trade.
Students pitch ideas on how to keep university graduates in the city News
Students from Coventry University's Business School have been working with Coventry City Council to brainstorm ideas for encouraging graduates to stay and work in the city.
MEP backs University spin-off company's hydrogen cars News
A Member of the European Parliament has given his backing to a Coventry based project delivering zero-emission cars.
Uni's lecture part of Lord Mayor of London's Istanbul visit News
Coventry University joined the Lord Mayor of London on a business visit to Istanbul earlier this week, and organised a public lecture at its new partner institution Kadir Has University.
University's engineering experts take the stand at leading trade exhibition News
Representatives from Coventry University’s Faculty of Engineering and Computing will be exhibiting at a leading manufacturing exhibition next week.
Local schools succeed in IT challenge News
School pupils from Coventry enjoyed success in a computing challenge held at the city’s university last month.
Cybercrime experts converge on Coventry for university conference News
Some of the UK's leading figures in cybercrime prevention are set to come together in May for an information security event hosted by Coventry University in conjunction with the Warwickshire and West Mercia police forces.
Forthcoming festival celebrates the best of student theatre, music and dance News
Performing arts students from Coventry University’s School of Art and Design will be showcasing their work from next week as part of the University’s annual Degree Show.
Business support initiative targets manufacturing improvements for SMEs News
A free business support initiative at Coventry University is aiming to help SMEs in the region to improve the performance of their manufacturing, production control and office-based facilities.
£32m Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering appoints first director News
Coventry University and Unipart have appointed a director for the recently established Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME), located at Unipart's Foleshill site in Coventry.
Breaking ground as construction starts on the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering News
The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) has taken a major step forward today, with work now underway on the construction of the UK's first dedicated 'faculty on the factory floor'.
Students volunteer in Jordan to change lives News
A group of Coventry University students has returned from a volunteering initiative in Jordan which saw them work with children in some of the country's most deprived schools.
Contemporary dance performers venture into the unknown with improvised act News
Students from Coventry University’s School of Art and Design are putting on a dance performance with a difference this week.
Coventry's partnership with Kadir Has University, Istanbul, moves to new level News
A series of joint events and staff exchanges between Coventry University and its new partner Kadir Has University has reaffirmed the institutions' commitment to build on their relationship.