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Business International Foundation Year student Turki talks about his experience studying in the UK and his future aspirations.
High student satisfaction ratings at Coventry University News
Coventry University’s overall student satisfaction level has jumped by 6% from 79% in 2010 to 85% in the 2011 National Student Survey, published on Wednesday. As a result, Coventry is now the best modern university in the Midlands - well ahead of all its major local competitors - and is the second best modern university in England.
Future of UK car design debated at Coventry University News
Eminent motoring scribe Steve Cropley chaired a debate on the future of car design at Coventry University this morning.
Girls with poorer motor skills more likely than boys to be obese News
Young girls who exhibit a poor mastery of fundamental movement skills (FMS) are more likely to be obese than boys who have similarly low skills, according to research led by Coventry University.
Coventry student wins Puffin Children's Prize at Penguin Design Award News
A student from Coventry School of Art and Design has won first place in a national art competition.
Cov Uni student triumphs at UK's biggest fashion event News
A third-year fashion student from Coventry University has finished ahead of up and coming talent from across the country to land a top award at a major industry event.
Law student surprises the competition with award winning poetry. News
Creative licence doesn’t stretch far in the legal realm, but one Coventry University student has pushed the boundaries - and his own knowledge - to earn himself a £1,000 poetry prize.
New research debunks myths about white working-class attitudes to race News
Popular misconceptions about the attitudes and opinions of Britain’s white working-class will be discussed at a special event in London tomorrow, following the publication of new research by an expert on community building and race relations at Coventry University.
Multimillion pound design centre to bolster UK innovation in transport News
A new multimillion pound centre of design excellence to support UK innovation in the transport industry and boost efforts to bridge a shortfall in essential creative skills will be opening at Coventry University in 2017.
New autism study a "shocking wake-up call" for society, say academics News
People who show characteristics of autism are more at risk of attempting suicide, according to a Coventry University study whose results are being presented to a United States federal advisory committee tomorrow.
National recognition for University sporting expert News
A sports finance expert at Coventry University has won a prestigious sports writers award.
Top university guide hails Coventry as best for student experience News
Coventry University has been named 'University of the Year for Student Experience' in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2015, and has retained its title of 'Modern University of the Year' for the second consecutive year.
Lecturer's new app creates photo timelines with a twist News
A lecturer in entrepreneurship at Coventry University has launched a free app which helps users keep tabs on how much time has passed between their photos.
New ‘serious’ computer game brings benefits to children with ADHD News
Coventry University’s internationally renowned Serious Games Institute has been working with researchers in Belgium and the Netherlands on a new ‘treatment’ to help children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and results of the research trial have shown a significant improvement in children’s behaviour.
Organisations put their best foot forward for Coventry Half Marathon News
Students, charities, and running clubs across the city have come together to celebrate the approaching Coventry Half Marathon.
EuroSPF Event
12th International conference on Superplastic Forming. This conference has been established in 2001 as a platform for transfer of knowledge between academic and industrial leaders in the field of SPF and warm forming, including modelling, tool design, lubrication, industrial applications of SPF and similar topics. Conference to be organised by Coventry University and Chaired by Professor Richard Dashwood.
For students studying Forensic Investigations, we have our very own crime scene room, where you can investigate a range of simulated crime scenes.
The School of Social Sciences and Humanities offers a vibrant and innovative environment as we embrace an ever-changing external world.
Eat a fried grasshopper at Coventry University event News
An academic is to give a talk on how edible insects could help solve the world food crisis - and give her audience the chance to sample fried grasshoppers.
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Become part of our global community. Applying to Coventry University or Coventry University London is a quick and easy process. Take a look at each way you can apply and then choose the one you prefer.