
6533 results found

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Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) Course

The electro-mechanical engineering course has been designed to equip you with the intellectual and technical building blocks to kick-start your career in engineering.

Architecture BSc (Hons) Course

Architecture provides you with a great opportunity to design memorable works of art that individuals will use every single day. You will design new spaces and buildings around our every day lives and needs, while being challenged intellectually, artistically and creatively.

Sport Performance and Coaching BSc (Hons) Course

Sports coaching and athlete development is an exciting and rewarding field which includes a range of employment opportunities across the sport and exercise industry.

Professional Accounting BA (Hons) Course

This Professional Accounting BA (Hons) degree aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skill set to help you get into the accounting profession.

Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) Course

This course blends the study of human biology with the rigorous techniques used in scientific laboratories, including analysis of blood, dissection, drug synthesising and chemical growth.

Law and Practice LLB (Hons) Course

Studying law can lead you to a variety of exciting career options including barrister, solicitor or legal executive.

Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons) Course

The BA (Hons) Primary Education and Teaching Studies course aims to supply knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and skilled individuals to local and national school-centred teacher training institutions.

Students returning to Coventry University London News

Our students will soon be arriving to study and live in the Liverpool Street area and across central London. This year is going to look very different for all of us, and I understand that you may have concerns around the safe integration of students in our community. With that in mind, I want to reassure you that the safety of our students, staff and our surrounding communities is our absolute priority.

University celebrates new location with Cutlers Exchange launch News

Coventry University London celebrated the opening of its newest location at Cutlers Exchange last month.

Sir Terry Leahy, Ex-Tesco CEO, inspires students with Q&A session News

Sir Terry Leahy, ex-CEO of Tesco Plc, visited Coventry University London earlier this month for an inspiring question and answer session.

Cutlers Exchange is open for business! News

Cutlers Exchange, Coventry University London’s new location, is now open!

Personal Tutoring Programme takes home top award at Coventry Excellence Awards 2019 News

Coventry University London's Personal Tutoring Programme took home the Student Support Initiative of the Year Award at the Coventry Excellence Awards 2019.

Privacy Notices and ICO registration numbers

Privacy Notices and ICO registration numbers.

Business Research projects

Supporting your business

Virtual Tour

Welcome to our Coventry University London virtual tour

Freedom of Information

Coventry University London Campus' Freedom of Information Policy.

Terms and Conditions

Student accommodation at Coventry University London

Information on student accommodation options at Coventry University London.

Intellectual Property