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Assistant Professor (Research), Centre for Healthcare Research
Associate Professor in Water Quality Science, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
Associate Professor, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
PhD Student || Project title: Managing ash dieback disease using soil amendments including biochar
PhD Student| | Project title: Developing new scenarios to assess forest disturbances and inform restoration strategies in a changing climate
PhD Student || Project title: Wildfire activity under climate change: Developing an assessment approach for past, present and future risk
PhD Student| Project title: Assessing the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Ground Water in the UK. A case study of Preston New Road, Lancashire
PhD Student | Project title: Effect of tillage frequency on soil quality and plant productivity under conservation agriculture and biological agricultural management systems, in Swartland
Associate Head of School, Student Experiences| Michelle Newman is the Associate Head of School for Student Experience within the School of Energy, Construction and Environment.
Research Fellow, Research Centre for Peace and Security
Associate, Centre for Global Learning (GLEA)
Assistant Professor in Graphic Design and Illustration| Andrew begun making experimental music in 1997, working at that time in collaboration with artist such as Mark Springer and the High Llamas. After a 10 year hiatus working in visual arts, Andrew returned to music in earnest in 2011 as experimental electronic artist Nimzo-Indian and noise and free jazz project SAD MAN.
Professor of Fluid Mechanics | Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems
Associate Professor (Exercise Physiology), Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences
Research Centre Director | Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
Contact for psychological interventions to support breastfeeding, infant and childhood nutrition and health behaviour interventions in primary care | Email: | Phone: +44 (0) 24 7765 5497
Centre Director of Institute for Creative Cultures
Associate Professor, Institute for Future Transport and Cities
Professor in Structural Integrity, Institute for Future transport and Cities
Contact for adaptive systems, learning technologies | Email: | Phone: +44 (0) 24 7688 7761