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Associate Head of School - Marketing and Recruitment| Daren has worked with creative audio technology for over 25 years, from an apprenticeship as a sound engineer to a career in the music and film industries as a recording artist and sound designer.
Assistant Professor in Automotive Journalism| Andrew Noakes is an award-winning motoring journalist, author and photographer. He was trained as an engineer, gaining a degree in automotive engineering and Diploma in Industrial Studies from Loughborough University.
Assistant Professor in Media Production| Clifton has a great deal of experience as a script editor and mentor, to writers and directors new to film and television.
An award-winning technology journalist whose work has appeared in consumer and trade magazines and websites, in the US, the UK, Australia, South Africa and Europe.
Sanna Wicks | School of Media and Performing Arts
Matt Read | Lecturer in Journalism | School of Media and Performing Arts | College of Arts and Humanities
Train to teach in Northern Ireland
Delivered online, our PGCE with iQTS means you can be based in your current school in Northern Ireland, provided the school meets our selection criteria to ensure it can offer the right support.
Working with schools in England
Across England, we collaborate with schools, leaders, and teachers to improve the quality of teaching and leadership.
Working with schools worldwide
Across England, we collaborate with schools, leaders, and teachers to improve the quality of teaching and leadership.
If you are a training provider offering the L6 Teacher Apprenticeship, the National Institute of Teaching and Education is a great choice to be your End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO).
Study from anywhere in the world
Our degree and teacher training programmes blend school-based learning, academic study and online tutorials. This means you can study in your home country whilst gaining an internationally recognised qualification.
Shape your teaching career to be among the world's best. At Coventry University's National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE), our mission is to raise the profile and standard of teacher education globally.
Coventry University Visiting Fellow recognised as one of the UK’s Top 50 Women in Engineering 2021 Research News
Dr Cristiana Pace, a Coventry University Visiting Fellow who successfully completed her PhD within Centre for Business in Society (CBiS), has been awarded a place in the UK’s Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) for 2021 by The Women’s Engineering Society.
Global Journalism and Public Relations MA student records documentary with ITV.
CU Scarborough’s first lot of students have graduated News
An internationally-acclaimed playwright has been awarded an Honorary Degree at CU Scarborough’s very first graduation.
Our courses reflect the needs and motivations of businesses across a diverse and global landscape.
Families from as far away as Hull travelled to Coventry University to take part in a special ‘living lab’ football event for children with cerebral palsy.
Statistical and Computational Modelling
Find out more about our Statistical and Computational Modelling research theme | Centre for Data Science
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