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Assistant Professor (Safety Pharmacology), Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences
Senior Designer, Prototype Design and Usability, Centre for Intelligent Healthcare
Assistant Professor, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
Assistant Professor, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
Professor of Painting, Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Computing, Associate, Institute for Future Transport and Cities
Professor, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Skills and Education), Senior Research Management Group
Professor, Associate Dean Enterprise, Institute for Future Transport and Cities
Principal Lecturer| Neil Tsang is a Principal Lecturer within the School of Energy, Construction and Environment.
Assistant Professor, Centre for Business in Society
Assistant Professor, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations
Associate Professor, Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems
Professional Accounting BA (Hons) Course
This accountancy degree aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skillset to help you get into the accounting profession.
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) Course
Applied biosciences explores life at all levels from chemicals, molecules and cells to organ systems, laying the foundation for a career in human health and disease.
Health and Social Care BA (Hons) Course
This Health and Social Care BA (Hons) course is composed of theoretical and practical learning modules that underpin the core concepts of healthcare.
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course
This course is designed to help you establish key leadership skills, from managing people and resources to strategic planning.
Healthcare Professions’ Support for England HTQ Course
This course aims to equip you to become a professional, self-reflecting individual who can meet the demands of employers in the healthcare sector and thrive in a constantly changing world.
Cloud Computing BSc (Hons) Course
Cloud Computing is a model for enabling flexible on-demand access to a pool of scalable computing resources that users and businesses can provision rapidly and easily to meet needs.
Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons) Course
The BA (Hons) Primary Education and Teaching Studies course aims to supply knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and skilled individuals to local and national school-centred teacher training institutions.
Handling Difficult Conversations as a Middle Leader Event
Build your confidence to navigate and resolve challenging conversations.