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Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course
This course is designed to help you establish key leadership skills, from managing people and resources to strategic planning.
Professional Accounting BA (Hons) Course
This accountancy degree aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skillset to help you get into the accounting profession.
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) Course
Applied biosciences explores life at all levels from chemicals, molecules and cells to organ systems, laying the foundation for a career in human health and disease.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) Course
The Electro-Mechanical Engineering degree has been designed to equip you with the intellectual and technical building blocks to kick-start your career in engineering.
Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons) Course
The BA (Hons) Marketing and Public Relations (PR) degree aims to equip you with the knowledge, competencies and skills essential for success in today's ever-evolving contemporary marketing and PR industries.
Building HNC Course
The Building HNC is a vocational course for those wanting to take up professional roles in construction-based disciplines in professional offices, local government departments and the manufacturing sector.
Professional Policing HNC/HND/BA (Hons) Course
This degree course is an employment-related higher qualification targeted at those seeking to establish a career in the police service.
Construction Management for England (Construction Design and Build Technician) HTQ Course
This Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) in Construction Management will allow you to experience the breadth and interdisciplinary nature of the construction industry and achieve a qualification which facilitates progression within the industry.