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10 things you need to know about Clearing News

Dylan Cozens is a regional student recruitment manager at Coventry University and took time out to answer questions on everything you need to know about Clearing.

Wellbeing project blossoms into Forest of Hope News

CU Coventry’s latest wellbeing activity has blossomed into a Forest of Hope display that will hopefully inspire young people to branch out and talk about their feelings.

Student Support

Student support is on hand for your every need once you start University with us, from disability advice to social committees – we can help!

Customer Services

Customer Services.

Library & Learning Services

The Library & Learning Services provides students with all their core reading material as well as a variety of additional resources such as a quiet study area, laptop loans and e-resources.

Senior Leader Apprenticeship plus MA in Educational Leadership Course

This Senior Leader Apprenticeship plus MA in Educational Leadership provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles underpinning excellent leadership, and the skills and confidence to implement them.

Coventry University hosts first UK ‘Visualise Your Thesis’ Competition for Postgraduate Researchers Research News

Postgraduate candidates from across the university put together short videos to bring their PhD projects to life.

Social Movements and Contentious Politics

The Social Movements and Contentious Politics theme examines a broad range of social movements and contentious politics and how they are shaping and shaped by societal transformations and processes of peace and conflict.

Historical initiative digitally preserves India’s post-Partition heritage Research News

More than 20,000 images, prints and documents from the two decades following India’s Partition will be digitised through a new research initiative led by Coventry University.

Non-students wanting to raise complaints

Coventry University main campus - Non-students wanting to raise complaints

The Ethics of Emergent Creativity Research News

A new chapter by Dr Janneke Adema, Research Fellow Digital Media (Centre for Postdigital Cultures) is out on ‘The Ethics of Emergent Creativity: Can We Move Beyond Writing as Human Enterprise, Commodity and Innovation?’

Enterprise and Innovation Committee

This Committee is responsible for reviewing and supporting commercial activities across the Coventry University Group and providing assurance to the University’s Board of Governors that such activities where appropriate support the enterprise and innovation pillar of the University’s corporate strategy as well as the other commercial activities. Membership of the Enterprise and Innovation Committee is drawn from Governors, Non-Executive and Executive members.

Research Committee

This Committee is responsible for monitoring the University's performance against the Research Strategy and ensuring that high levels of research standards are achieved and maintained.

Alison Gingell Building

The new Alison Gingell Buildingwas a flagship project for Coventry University; to extend the Faculty of Health and Life Science’s ability to offer state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research, to enhance opportunities for continuing education and professional development and to attract the best students and staff to Coventry University.

Professor John Latham CBE

Professor John Latham, the Vice-Chancellor, maintains general oversight of all the work of the University and is the main focus for corporate interactions between the University and external bodies.

Professor Richard Dashwood

Richard joined Coventry University early in 2016 to take on his new research leadership role, as well as continuing his research as Professor of Engineering Materials.

Professor Ian Dunn

Ian supports the Vice-Chancellor overseeing the academic work of the Group.

Professor Ian M Marshall

Professor Ian M Marshall maintains general oversight of all the work of the University and is the main focus for corporate interactions between the University and external bodies.

Professor John Dishman

Professor John Dishman is the Pro-Vice Chancellor of CU Group at Coventry University.

Professor Andrew Turner

Professor Andrew Turner is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Curriculum Development and a member of the Vice Chancellor's Office at Coventry University.