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Head of Law | Coventry Law School | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Assistant Professor in Marketing/Advertising | Balwant is an Assistant Professor in Marketing/Advertising - before entering academia, he gained over 20 years of industry experience as a practicing marketing in the Packaging and Retail industry.
Lecturer in Economics | Adam Thompson is a Lecturer in Economics.
Assistant Professor in Accounting | Christopher Lees is an Assistant Professor in Accounting, and a CIPFA qualified accountanct with puclic sector experience.
Lecturer in Accounting | Daniel Johnson is a Lecturer in Accounting within the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting.
Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management | Dr. Stevens is Assistant Professor in HRM, as well as a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an External Examiner.
Associate Professor | Danny Ryan is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting, teaching in areas such as financial accounting and financial risk management.
Lecturer in Business and Management | Brian McMullan is a lecturer in Business and Management, as well as leading a second year Business Management module. He is conducting his PhD into soft power.
Assistant Professor in HRM | Krish Pinto is a Human Resource, Management and Organisational Development professional with over 20 years experience. Her research focuses on the concept of the psychological contract.
Associate Head of School (Enterprise and Commercial); Associate Professor in International HRM | Dr Randhir Auluck is Associate Head of School: Enterprise and Commercial in the School of Marketing and Management, and Associate Professor in International HRM.
Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management | Michael McFadden is an Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management, and Programme Director for the MA in Managing and Leading People.
Assistant Professor in Economics | Michael Walsh is an Assistant Professor in Economics. He has experience working in the insurance industry and has taught in the US through the Fullbright Exchange Programme.
Assistant Professor in Accounting | Richard Pennington is an Assistant Professor in Accounting and a module leader for various undergraduate and postgraduate modules. He trained as a management accountant, before moving into financial management and then academia.
Associate Head of School (International) | Tola, as the Associate Head of School International at the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting, is responsible for driving the School's internationalisation strategy. He is also the director of the Business School's Trading Floor.
Associate Head of School (Student Experience) | As Associate Head of School for Student Experience, Dr. Talbot oversees teaching and learning within the School of Strategy and Leadership.
Associate Professor in Economics | Perihan Yavash is Associate Professor in Economics, with research interests in macroeconomics, international trade and the global economy.
Lecturer in Business and Management | Dr Michalska is a Lecturer in Business and Management, and the Associate Course Director for BA Business Administration.
Assistant Professor in Accounting | Dr Yekini is an Assistant Professor in Accounting, with a previous career in industry before joining academia. His research interests are in financial reporting, accounting regulation and issues in disclosure.
Lecturer in Accounting | Portia Hylton is a Lecturer in Accounting within the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting.
Associate Professor in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship | Faculty of Business and Law | International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE) | Email: