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Associate head for Research | Coventry Law School | Faculty of Business and Law | Email:
Assistant Professor in English (Stylistics) | School of Social Sciences and Humanities | College of the Arts and Society | Email:
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering Management Course
This study route is designed to prepare international students for postgraduate education while experiencing life abroad in the UK. It aims to prepare you with a deeper understanding of academic culture that will allow you to flourish in your chosen degree studies.
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering Course
This study route is designed to prepare international students for postgraduate education while experiencing life abroad in the UK. It aims to prepare you with a deeper understanding of academic culture that will allow you to flourish in your chosen degree studies.
International Pre-Master’s - Business Course
This study route is designed to prepare international students for postgraduate education while experiencing life abroad in the UK. It aims to prepare you with a deeper understanding of academic culture that will allow you to flourish in your chosen degree studies.
Britain at risk of home-grown terrorism, according to leading trust academic Research News
Britain is at risk of escalating acts of home-grown terrorism if politicians don’t get a handle on re-building public trust, according to a leading academic.
Coventry-Deakin Cotutelle PhD Opportunities
Coventry University and Deakin University (Australia) have been running a cotutelle since 2016 with projects now covering a range of areas in Health and Life Sciences, Future Cities, Materials Science, Big Data and Cyber Security.
Knowledge Exchange Framework - Research Partnerships
Working with the public and third sector
Knowledge Exchange Framework - Working with the public and third sector
Public and community engagement
Knowledge Exchange Framework - Public and community engagement
Skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship
Knowledge Exchange Framework - Skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship
Intellectual property and commercialisation
Knowledge Exchange Framework - Intellectual property and commercialisation
Coventry University calls on public to help protect sweet chestnut trees Research News
Coventry University’s Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) has teamed up with The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) on a new citizen science project to help save the at-risk sweet chestnut trees from an invasive pest.
New research project to promote equal access to education for Roma women Research News
Coventry University researchers are to take part in a “visionary” European project that will explore how Roma women are transforming educational systems through social and political mobilisation.
Behind the bouquet: building resilience in the flower supply chains Research News
A team of researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Business in Society (CBiS) are providing research insights for a project supporting flower industry workers in Kenya who have been affected by the coronavirus crisis.
Research project aims to improve justice for sexual violence survivors during Covid-19 Research News
A new project led by Coventry and Lancaster Universities will explore the impact of Covid-19 on the experiences of sexual violence survivors as their cases go through the criminal justice system (CJS).
Urgent changes needed to PPE design and policies, research study suggests Research News
Research by Coventry University suggests changes need to be made to personal protective equipment (PPE) and how it is used to help clinicians battling COVID-19.
Open showcase call: City of Culture Research News
This funding call will support projects to develop impact and to facilitate knowledge exchange with non-academic stakeholders.
Is organic food diversity the answer? Research News
Researchers from the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), have been awarded £100,000 by Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural affairs) as part of a project to analyse diversity in food supply chains, governance and cultures.
Rovier Verdi wins Coventry University 2021 'Three Minute Thesis' Competition Research News
Rovier Verdi, a second year PhD candidate in the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, has won the Coventry University ‘Three Minute Thesis’ (3MT®) competition 2021.