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Global School

Discover how our staff and students in the School of Health and Care are internationally focused.

Graduation Live

Watch our graduation ceremony live online.

Enhancing Employability

We aim to make sure all Coventry University graduates have the skills they need to secure a graduate job when they leave.

Student Spotlight

We like to show off the fantastic achievements of our current students and graduates.

Work with us

We have a long and established relationship with industry and have always encouraged academia and industry to collaborate for mutual benefits.

Visit us

Join our 5,000 students and become a member of our Business and Law community, one that you’ll belong to long after your graduation. 

CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

Coventry School of Art and Design provides high-quality tailored learning and development programmes that are relevant, flexible and taught by leading experts.


We are at the forefront of delivering enterprise and employability as part of our undergraduate programme in the School of Art and Design, and the School of Media and Performing Arts, and the School of Humanities.

Organise a reunion

Gathering your university friends together and visiting the campus can be a great way to re-live happy memories and make new ones. At Coventry University, the Alumni Team is here to help you make your reunion even more special by finding friends and organising campus tours.

Principles of Measurement Course

This is a one-day course focused on the underpinning knowledge needed to understand coordinate measurement.

CIPD Intermediate Certificate in Human Resource Management CPD Course

The CIPD Intermediate Certificate in Human Resources (HR) Management could help you by giving you a broader perspective of the organisational issues facing HR professionals and enable you to develop effective analytical and problem solving skills in the field.

Educational Consultancy

Coventry University provides a range of educational services and support many countries globally. Our consultancy provision aims to enhance the strategic and operational activities of educational organisations to assist internal development structures as well as the capacity to offer external services to clients.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

We have a thriving and expanding pre-sessional English programme helping over 1,000 students each year meet the English language proficiency required to progress onto Coventry University degrees; in addition, we deliver in-country pre-sessional courses in China and academic English support throughout the year in Coventry, China and Turkey.

Technology Park Enquiries

Discover the state-of-the-art facilities at Coventry University's Technology Park, where businesses can access cutting-edge resources and expertise to help drive innovation and growth. Contact our team for more information on how we can support your business.

Business support

We aim to provide a wide range of business support and expertise and the right environment to help your business grow.

Paul Murphy

Meet Paul Murphy, Partnership Development Manager


The students in the Faculty of Art and Humanities took part in a competition to design a car. They were given a brief as well as dimensions to ensure the car would be industry standard.


Find out if your business can receive funded assistance from the Sustainable Building Futures project.

Contact Us/Make An Enquiry

Contact information and how to locate details for the place.

The Lanchester Interactive Archive

Coventry University's Lanchester Interactive Archive features serious games, augmented reality, and hundreds of Frederick Lanchester's drawings and sketches, showcasing the engineer's contribution to automotive and engineering history in Coventry.