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Coventry University helps to build electric future of UK automotive industry Research News
Coventry University’s Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) has delivered on a project to build UK competency in electric vehicle battery manufacturing.
'Women in Research' Blog Launched to Celebrate International Women’s Day Research News
The Women in Research (WinR) network has launched a new blog to celebrate the diversity of work being undertaken by female researchers across the university.
Other funding opportunities for CAWR
Meet CAMC's PGR team
Coventry University awarded £300K for environmental research in Algeria Research News
The Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR) has been awarded £300k by The British Academy to research solutions to environmental issues and how these could contribute to meaningful employment opportunities for youth in Algeria.
Midlands4Cities Funding for Coventry PhD Projects Research News
Applicants of the Midlands4Cities Doctoral Consortium have been awarded funding to begin their PhD’s at Coventry University in September.
Coventry University Professor made a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences Research News
Professor Megan Crawford, Director of Post Graduate Programmes at Coventry University’s Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment (GLEA), has received a prestigious fellowship from the Academy of Social Sciences.
CIH research has identified that novel technologies could play a key role in the early diagnosis of severe illness, providing healthcare professionals with the vital time to make lifesaving decisions.
Passenger Experience Steering the Future of Rail Travel Research News
Coventry University’s National Transport Design Centre (ntdc) hosted The Rail Alliance’s Light Rail networking event, influencing the direction of future commercial rail transport design towards a more user-centric approach.
Benefits of working with C-ALPS
C-ALPS is the most advanced test facility of its kind in the UK and offers numerous benefits to partners.
“Creating a Digital Cultural Heritage Community” Online Course Launched Research News
Researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) have come together to create learning materials on how to create user engagement with digital cultural heritage.
Improving supply chain sustainability in Indonesia Research News
Researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Business in Society have taken part in the third Indonesian Circular Economy Forum, raising awareness of food waste in the supply chain.
CBiS Project Selected as a Finalist in Research with Impact Category Research News
A project based in the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS) at Coventry University has been shortlisted as a Finalist in the UK and Ireland Green Gown Awards 2019 RESEARCH WITH IMPACT (INSTITUTION) CATEGORY, sponsored by Emerald Publishing.
Novel approaches for modelling flow in porous media Research News
Research by Ran Holtzman highlights novel approaches for modelling fluid flow through porous media, has been published in PNAS.
Aalsmeer flower workshop Research News
Dr Jill Timms, Dr David Bek and CBiS’s PhD Candidate Nora Lanari led a workshop with stakeholders from the cut-flower industry hosted by Fleurametz in Aalsmeer, Holland in April.
Aluminum Forum Poland Research News
Dr Alexeis Garcia-Perez is a member of the Future Aluminium Forum’s advisory board, and was invited to run a workshop at their two-day conference on cyber security management to over 130 senior representatives from industry and covered a range of topics related to Industry 4.
World Social Marketing Conference Research News
Professor Sally Dibb was Academic Chair of the World Social Marketing Conference held in Edinburgh on the 4th and 5th June.
Overview of the CTPSR's funders and partners
The College of Business and Law is continually working with employers to ensure the right student is placed with them.
CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million Project Research News
CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million project to develop an open, not-for-profit community-owned ecosystem for open access monographs.