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Work with our students

The College of Business and Law is continually working with employers to ensure the right student is placed with them.

CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million Project Research News

CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million project to develop an open, not-for-profit community-owned ecosystem for open access monographs.

Undergraduate Support

Our services available to you all aim to enable you to stand out and succeed beyond graduation.

Postgraduate Support

As a postgraduate student you will be offered the opportunity to apply for a postgraduate consultancy project or work experience opportunity. This could add value to your CV once you graduate.

Call For Papers: Dance and The Archive Research News

Dance has long been regarded as an art form that is challenging to archive because the “time-based phenomenology of dance is a challenge for dance archivists” (Oke 2017, 197)

Pirate Care June 2019 - Video Documentation Research News

Pirate Care June 2019 - Video Documentation

On Gesture Symposium Research News

Gesture Symposium event was met with a very positive response and opened the conversation along avenues that were not anticipated. Importantly, the day demonstrated gesture’s role in the emerging postdigital landscape.

AHRC Midlands4Cities funding for UK/EU students – C-DaRE Invites Applications Research News

The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands to support the professional and personal development of the next generation of arts and humanities doctoral researchers.

Vascular Optics and Microvascular Sensing

Vascular Optics and Microvascular Sensing

Low Carbon Solutions: Coventry University showcases its latest research technologies and skills training at industry-leading event Research News

Low Carbon Solutions: Coventry University showcases its latest research technologies and skills training at industry-leading event

Study Games at Coventry

Games courses available at Coventry University

Help to grow: Management

Coventry Business School is offering a three-month, online and face-to-face practical management training programme.


China landing page.

Equity and Attainment seminar with Dr Wendy Green and Professor Stephen Small Event

We are pleased to announce the next event in our research seminar series hosted as part of the Equity and Attainment Theme of Coventry University’s Research Centre, Global Learning: Education and Attainment (GLEA) on 25th May 2018 14:00 – 17:00 in room JAG28 in the Jaguar Building Professor Christine Broughan and Dr Caroline Wilson from GLEA will be delivering the seminar ‘What works? A framework to enable effective design of student engagement intervention activities aimed at increasing equity of attainment opportunity.’ 

Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc Course

This master’s course aims to provide the training and development necessary to meet the demand for highly skilled scientists within the expanding and global bioscience sector.

Sports and Societies

Feel part of your University community. From our Active Health and Fitness, aimed at all levels and capabilities, to our Team Phoenix sport clubs we have a wide range of activities to suit everyone.

Food and Nutrition student wins Young Scientist Competition News

Jessica Giovanni was among five finalists from Coventry University at the IFST Midlands Branch Young Scientist Competition 2017.

Routes into Teaching in Northern Ireland Event

Join us for these online events to find out more about how NITE works with schools in Northern Ireland.

Indonesian PhD Scholarships

Coventry University has been supporting a number of Indonesian doctoral researchers since 2018 and is proud to offer several PhD routes. 

Open Days | Coventry University

We're ready to welcome you to our next on campus Open day. It's the perfect way to find out more about our courses, tour our campus and meet our current students and academics.