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Coventry graduate named African of the Year for work against terrorism News
A Coventry University graduate who dedicated his career to helping young people turn away from terrorism has been named African of the Year 2017.
Coventry health professor in swap with top NHS minister News
A health professor at Coventry University will be swapping the lab for the Lords this week as part of a Royal Society initiative to pair up the UK's leading scientists and policymakers to give them a taste of each other's worlds.
Inaugural Lecture: Yanguo Jing, Professor in Enterprise and Innovation in Leadership and Artificial Intelligence
Coventry lecturers scoop national teaching excellence awards News
Two lecturers at Coventry University are being awarded a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship from the Higher Education Academy (HEA) today in recognition of their excellence in teaching and learning.
Coventry-led study seeks to unravel Mediterranean migration crisis News
Coventry University is playing a leading role in a £1 million initiative to carry out urgent research into the ongoing migrant and refugee crisis which is gripping Europe.
Coventry part of new ‘Centre of Expertise’ tackling child abuse News
Coventry University is a partner in a new £7.5m centre designed to be the definitive source of research and knowledge on tackling child sexual abuse and exploitation.
New Centre for Dance Research video reflects on connections between dance, artificial intelligence and ethics Research News
In a new video, C-DaRE researchers come together to explore some of the questions inspired by their dancer-machine interactions that took place during the WhoLoDance project.
Claire Hawtin is Director of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) at Coventry University Group’s National Institute for Teaching and Education (NITE). Ahead of UNESCO World Teachers’ Day on 5 October, she examines the theme of ‘valuing teachers' voices’ and explains how increasing appreciation and providing greater training and development for teachers will help to address the worryingly high drop-out rate in the profession.
Harmful chemicals that last for so long they’re known as ‘forever chemicals’ have been found in the Amazon rainforest atmosphere for the first time.
Postgraduate researcher showcases mathematical sciences project at the UK Parliament Research News
A Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) from Coventry University presented his research at the UK Parliament after being shortlisted for the renowned STEM for Britain 2024 award.
Coventry Designers take home the prize on real-world creative briefs News
Three Coventry University designers have been crowned winners as part of an international creative industries award series.
Confidence boosting experience keeps Coventry students satisfied News
Coventry University is the UK’s best at boosting students’ confidence, according to a newly published league table.
We seek to ensure everything we do contributes to the economic and social wellbeing of the City, the region and the other communities it operates in.
Life on Campus | Coventry University
Our compact single site campus in the heart of Coventry, will give you unrivalled access to all the university facilities and services, as well as those of a friendly modern city, both of which have benefitted from massive redevelopment in recent years.
The International Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Higher Education Conference 2022 Event
Coventry University to host international conference examining equity, diversity and inclusion in higher education.
Scale model of Earth reveals clues about the planet’s magnetic field News
A scientific scale model of Earth is helping to reveal clues about the planet’s magnetic field.
Sports scholarships | Coventry University
Are you someone with talent in a sporting field? A Coventry University Sports Scholarship could give you cash and support towards your sporting goals. This scheme offers you a support network enabling you to balance the demands of performance sport and academic study, helping you to achieve the highest level of success in both areas.
Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems
Our research focuses on novel measurement techniques for complex and multi-component flows, improving uncertainty to allow end users to optimise their processes.
Coventry University to hold Ukrainian art auction to support those impacted by the war Research News
Paintings created by Ukrainian artists at the scene of the war in their homeland are being auctioned at Coventry University’s annual RISING Global Peace Forum to help raise thousands of pounds for those affected by the conflict.
Routes to Teaching - International Event
Do you want to train to teach with a leading English provider from anywhere in the world, including Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland?