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Coventry University becomes a member of the Emergent Alliance Research News
Coventry University, led by the Centre for Business and Society, has joined the Emergent Alliance.
Project to improve infant health in refugee camps shortlisted for the Newton Prize 2020 Research News
A Coventry University research project, aiming to develop a wearable, accurate and affordable respiratory monitor for newborn babies in refugee camps, has been shortlisted for the Newton Prize 2020.
Professor Mike Hardy steps back from the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations Research News
Professor Mike Hardy stepped down from his role as Executive Director of the centre at the end of July 2020.
First PhD candidate selected for ARAP Programme in Singapore Research News
Coventry University has selected PhD Candidate Dominik Klepl as the first researcher to join the A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP).
Coventry University helps lead the way in 5G and connected and automated logistics Research News
Coventry University is part of a project that will be testing self-driving trucks at a major car manufacturing facility in the UK.
Centre for Connected and Autonomous Automotive Research
The Centre for Connected Autonomous Automotive Research (CCAAR) conducts groundbreaking research into intelligent, connected vehicle technology.
Coventry University secures DFID funding to support workers in developing countries hit by the global pandemic Research News
Coventry University secures DFID funding to support workers in developing countries hit by the global pandemic
Magi Hoppitt
The Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences offering fully funded studentships to tackle COVID-19 Research News
Coventry University’s Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences are inviting applications for nineteen PhD studentships designed to deliver research-led solutions to the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities launches first set of PhD studentship opportunities Research News
The Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities is offering 5 fully-funded PhD projects related to its key thematic areas: Cultural Memory, Well-being and the Arts and Critical Practices.
Placement for undergraduate students
Many of the university’s undergraduate courses offer the opportunity to undertake an optional additional year gaining experience on a work internship/placement, in the UK or abroad. Our Talent Team is here to support you during the process of applying for a place.
Does swimming make you hungry? Research News
Many recreational swimmers claim to feel ‘ravenous’ during and after swimming. Professor David Broom from the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences has been working with Professor David Stensel, Dr Alice Thackray and Dr James King from Loughborough University to put this theory to the test.
Professor Elena Gaura’s efforts to raise profile of women engineers recognised on International Women in Engineering Day Research News
Professor Elena Gaura has been recognised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for her efforts to engage and improve outcomes for women in engineering.
Senior CBiS researcher co-authors ground-breaking new book Research News
Oxford University Press has published Strategy: Theory, Practice, Implementation, a new book co-authored by Maureen Meadows, a Professor of Strategic Management within the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS).
Self funded opportunities at CBiS
Self Funded Opportunities at CBiS
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Information about PASES' postgraduate opportunities and research environment
Other funding opportunities for CAWR
Information on CAWR's postgraduate opportunities and research environment
Meet GLEA's PGR team