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Coventry University Group strengthens its ties in India as it opens Global Hub in New Delhi News
Coventry University Group has intensified its longstanding connections with India by opening a Global Hub in the heart of New Delhi.
Annual Teachers' and Advisors' Conference 2024 Event
Join us as we bring together educators and advisors to explore current and anticipated changes in the education sector.
CU Coventry, part of The Coventry University Group will welcome award-winning early years anti-racist trainer and consultant Liz Pemberton to speak at its Early Years conference.
Download 2025/26 Undergraduate Prospectus
Download a copy of our 2025/26 Undergraduate Prospectus
Clean Futures: How to Develop a Sustainable and Profitable Business Event
In today's rapidly changing landscape, businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of sustainability not only for the planet but also for their performance and bottom line.
Study a Coventry University degree in China
We are proud to have a strategic partnership with The Communication University of China.
Coventry University awarded £13million government grant to help fund switch to net zero campus News
Coventry University has been awarded a grant of almost £13million to help hit its target of being net zero by 2030.
Clean Futures: Understanding the legislative landscape in sustainability Event
Understanding of the legislation they need to comply to in their drive to sustainability - to access supply chains and to meet legal requirements.
Clean Futures: What investors want from clean businesses Event
The SMEs eligible to attend should primarily operate within the transport or manufacturing sectors in Clean Tech. However, we extend our invitation to SMEs from other industries if they have a meaningful connection to the above sectors.
Clean Futures: Pitching to cleantech investors Event
Delegates will receive guidance on essential preparatory materials required before engaging with investors. Additionally, they will gain insight into the tasks necessary to render the business investment-ready.
Coventry University is centrally located, making your commute to campus as easy as possible. If you're weighing the pros and cons of commuting versus living on campus, our series of blogs will help you to explore why commuting to Coventry can be a rewarding choice
Coventry University Group exploring potential to open a branded campus in Kazakhstan News
Coventry University Group is exploring the possibility of expanding its global operations by collaborating with a subsidiary of Primus Education to open an international campus in Kazakhstan.
Clean Futures Accelerator: Open Day Event
Coventry University is hosting an open day on 29th May 2024 for those interested in applying to the Clean Futures Accelerator.
Coventry University Group has made a significant leap in a prestigious league table of the world’s young universities – moving from a rank in the banding of 251-300 in 2023 to joint 165th in 2024.
BBC Question Time to be hosted by Coventry University News
The BBC’s flagship political discussion programme, Question Time, will be broadcast from Coventry University next week.
Coventry University welcomes Independent Review of University Spin-out Companies Research News
The review is led by the Government's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and HM Treasury.
Coventry University is celebrating 50 years of its internationally renowned Automotive and Transport Design course which helped big names in the industry on the road to success.
Current and budding teachers could soon be given greater opportunity of having a rewarding career thanks to a collaboration between the National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE) and Leadership Learning Securing Excellence (LLSE).
The future of green transport technology has been on show at Coventry University’s Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME).
Remote working is an overwhelmingly positive experience for many of those with a disability and/or neurodivergence according to a Coventry University academic who appeared before MPs this month.