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Aalsmeer flower workshop Research News
Dr Jill Timms, Dr David Bek and CBiS’s PhD Candidate Nora Lanari led a workshop with stakeholders from the cut-flower industry hosted by Fleurametz in Aalsmeer, Holland in April.
Aluminum Forum Poland Research News
Dr Alexeis Garcia-Perez is a member of the Future Aluminium Forum’s advisory board, and was invited to run a workshop at their two-day conference on cyber security management to over 130 senior representatives from industry and covered a range of topics related to Industry 4.
World Social Marketing Conference Research News
Professor Sally Dibb was Academic Chair of the World Social Marketing Conference held in Edinburgh on the 4th and 5th June.
Overview of the CTPSR's funders and partners
The College of Business and Law is continually working with employers to ensure the right student is placed with them.
CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million Project Research News
CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million project to develop an open, not-for-profit community-owned ecosystem for open access monographs.
Our services available to you all aim to enable you to stand out and succeed beyond graduation.
As a postgraduate student you will be offered the opportunity to apply for a postgraduate consultancy project or work experience opportunity. This could add value to your CV once you graduate.
Call For Papers: Dance and The Archive Research News
Dance has long been regarded as an art form that is challenging to archive because the “time-based phenomenology of dance is a challenge for dance archivists” (Oke 2017, 197)
Pirate Care June 2019 - Video Documentation Research News
Pirate Care June 2019 - Video Documentation
On Gesture Symposium Research News
Gesture Symposium event was met with a very positive response and opened the conversation along avenues that were not anticipated. Importantly, the day demonstrated gesture’s role in the emerging postdigital landscape.
AHRC Midlands4Cities funding for UK/EU students – C-DaRE Invites Applications Research News
The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands to support the professional and personal development of the next generation of arts and humanities doctoral researchers.
Vascular Optics and Microvascular Sensing
Vascular Optics and Microvascular Sensing
Low Carbon Solutions: Coventry University showcases its latest research technologies and skills training at industry-leading event
Disabled people invited to share their experiences and suggestions to make transport more accessible Research News
The National Centre for Accessible Transport (NCAT) is inviting disabled people to help shape the future of accessibility in transport.
Pharmacology and Molecular Bioscience
Find out more about research in our Pharmacology and Molecular Bioscience theme.
Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology
Find out more about research in our Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology theme
University researcher saves Coventry history and converts archives into a digital library Research News
Coventry Digital is an online repository of over 70,000 local images, videos, and documents.
Arts and Humanities research centres to build world class lab for their experimental and innovative research Research News
Three research centres at Coventry University have received over £350,000 from United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) to develop their equipment and facilities.
Coventry University part of consortium to develop next-generation battery technologies Research News
Coventry University is playing its part in a €5.7million project aiming to develop a new class of self-healing batteries.