Printing studios
Consisting of two studio spaces for all printing needs from screen printing to etching. We have print pressers dating back to when we first started as Coventry School of Art and Design back in 1843.
What can students do here?
Students can get involved with a range of activities including: screenprinting, etching, linocuts and woodcut, collograph, book binding and monoprinting.
What is the most frequent request you get?
One of the most common requests we receive is about screen-printing classes.
How does the School of Art and Design use the studios?
It is used in different ways by different courses as part of their module work and development. For example, if students wanted to sell their work they could use this facility to create their own artwork to be sold in pop-up stores.
How can students interact with the facility?
All students that wish to use this facility must do an induction on whichever medium they use. After that they can use whenever the equipment is free.
Who are the main users of the facility?
Main users are students of the School of Art and Design, however all other students can gain access to this facility after they have had their induction with the technician.
What services and support are provided?
Workshops and 1-2-1 support from technicians.
What access do students have?
The studios are open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (excluding 1-2pm).
Who are the specialist technicians for the studios?
Ailsa McWilliams.