Coventry Law Centre Legal Clinic
Our Legal Clinic, in partnership with the Coventry Law Centre, provides students with a powerful professional element to their learning.
The aim of the clinic is to provide practical legal experience by integrating our students in an office environment, working with clients alongside trained solicitors and lawyers.
Our students get involved with everything that the solicitors do at the Law Centre with supervisors who are currently working in practice and experts in specific areas of law. They get hands-on-experience doing reserved legal activities, providing supervised advice and assistance to more than 500 local residents so far.
Professional transformation
From being a student in lectures to providing legal advice, the Clinic offers exciting work experience every Wednesday, which is valuable for any students studying a Law degree.
With direct access to clients, this enables students to develop skills such as:
- Communicating with and interviewing clients
- Drafting claims
- Problem-solving
- Understanding applications of employment law
- Telephone advice calls
- Dealing with the emotions of a client
- And growing confidence!
Our students get involved with everything that the solicitors do at the Law Centre with supervisors who are currently working in practice and experts in specific areas of law.
We are helping Coventry Law Centre empower local people by promoting legal solutions. Each week the Clinic will see 6 clients, so over the semesters the clinic will help up to 120 clients!
It is an opportunity for students to get great experience for furthering their education with postgraduate study, and for applying for work experience and vacation schemes.
There are opportunities for extra placements outside of the clinic hours, where students can practice draft claims, schedules of loss and bundle claims.
Working with a Magic Circle Law Firm
And if that’s still not enough professional experience, Allen and Overy Solicitors – a leading multinational magic circle law firm – are taking part in a pilot scheme with our Clinic to offer our students advice and guidance.
The pro bono department lawyers are on call during the Wednesday afternoon clinic sessions to work exclusively with our students and Coventry University.
With 44 offices in 31 countries, this link provides international benefits for any budding solicitors!
How can students get involved?
Each year 12-15 students are recruited from 2nd and 3rd year, who are prepared for a yearlong commitment to the Clinic.
The recruitment process includes writing an essay, CV and covering letter, and an interview process to introduce the employment procedure to our students.
For more information, please contact Kelly Cartlidge on