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Our Research Themes

ICTE will focus its research upon the following core themes:


Theme 1

The promotion of transformational entrepreneurship through entrepreneurship education. This theme will consider the effective provision and evaluation of entrepreneurship education to enable transformational entrepreneurship. The focus will be on evaluating provision within the University sector.

Theme 2

Transformational entrepreneurial leadership. This theme will explore transformational leadership in an entrepreneurial context. The theme will explore the attributes and behaviour of effective entrepreneurial leadership.

Theme 3

Promoting second order innovation. This theme considers the nature and deployment of second order innovation.  Effective development and deployment of technologies will be evaluated including use of information technologies and business improvement technologies to engender business transformation.

Theme 4

Entrepreneurial eco-systems that promote transformational entrepreneurship. This theme will consider the effective development of entrepreneurial eco-systems that support transformational entrepreneurship in a regional and national context. Eco-systems might include incubation systems and funding structures to enable transformational entrepreneurship.

Theme 5

Policy formulation promoting transformational entrepreneurship. This theme will explore how transformational entrepreneurship has informed regional and national policy to support entrepreneurial activity.

These themes will be explored in both a developed and developing world context.

  • Within the developing world, a particular focus for ICTE will be Sub Saharan Africa (SSA).  
  • Existing developments include the development of the Africa Institute for Transformational Entrepreneurship (AITE).
  • AITE will act as a hub for research projects and activity.
  • Within SSA, ICTE has developed academic networks within Ghana and South Africa.
  • ICTE has also been granted access to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor African datasets from recent years. This data will be used as a focal point for the research in an African context. These networks will provide local knowledge and context towards research activity driven by ICTE members. 
  • Within the developed world, entrepreneurial activity within the UK will be a particular focus particularly with regard to entrepreneurial behaviour within the West Midlands. Other areas will be investigated as the need arises for transformational entrepreneurship in specific areas.
  • ICTE will be seeking to produce highly ranked journal outputs, book chapters, books and conference papers to create an evidence base across all themes in coming years.
  • Members of the ICTE group are commissioning academic journal special issues with several ABS ranked journals. The focus here will be the production of a group of papers to fully explore the research phenomenon under investigation.

Research Projects

ICTE staff members are undertaking a range of current projects in-line with the key research themes of the centre. ICTE members are regularly bidding for significant projects from a range of funders including the European Union and SPHEIR. Projects typically draw upon extensive European and International networks and are typically focused around achieving beneficial and sustainable entrepreneurial transformation to the communities of focus. Projects seek to inform academic practice and knowledge and engage with the business community.

ICTE’s team of researchers has long-established multiple industry and institutional collaborations on a global scale, sharing the benefits of impact-led research.   We are open to discussing possible partnerships and funding opportunities. Contact us to see how we can potentially work together:

Examples of our project partners:

  • British Academy Management
  • Newton fund
  • Intrepid Knowledge
  • Lead 3.0 academy
  • Enterprise Educators UK
  • Premonition 

PhD Postgraduate Research

ICTE have embarked on a process to pursue leading edge research within the domain of transformational entrepreneurship. We are seeking high calibre PhD students that will focus their studies around the key ICTE research themes. ICTE is particularly interested in studies exploring UK, Sub Saharan Africa and Asia-Pacific countries.

We welcome applications from suitably qualified self-funded or sponsored PhD candidates that relate to our current research themes. If you think you have what it takes to study for a PhD with us and have an idea you would like to discuss before you apply, please contact us at

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