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A man is leaning on a banister overlooking an atrium filled with people

The Talent Team

The Talent Team is your Employment Support Team from the day you arrive at the College of Business and Law, until beyond graduation.

We will be on hand to offer advice and guidance in our modern, open plan areas and private consultation rooms. 

We recognise the importance of preparing you for the working environment and by working closely with employers locally, regionally and nationally there are plenty of opportunities to apply for and secure work placements, consultancy projects and graduate jobs. In addition to this there are regular employment events from skill development workshops to employment fairs, allowing you to network and develop those essential job application tips and knowledge.

We aim to build our employment support into your course, whether it be through one of our modules, securing a placement opportunity, attending a skills workshop or networking at our annual employment fair, we believe that if you utilise our services on offer, this could put you in an advantageous position in the future.

Career Focused

Equipping you for the world of work

At the College of Business and Law, we want you to thrive both now and later. Our courses are designed to give you a practical experience, while the Talent Team can give you tailored employability support.

Contact the Talent Team

Tel: +44(0)24 7765 2011


Twitter: @covuniTT

Find out about our undergraduate support.

Find out more about our postgraduate support.

Find out about working with our students.

Find out about work placements during your degree.

Find out more about our postgraduate consultancy projects.

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University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023