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Securing your talent pipeline: Master’s student placements

Securing your talent pipeline: Master’s student placements

The College of Engineering, Environment and Science at Coventry University have added a ‘work placement’ option* to a range of master’s programmes. They provide industry with a fantastic opportunity to recruit a range of highly skilled postgraduate talent.

The Extended Master’s is designed to be an optional pathway which changes a 12-month master’s to a 24-month master’s.


The majority of current employers we engage with highly value taking on master’s students on professional experience*. There are a range of benefits associated with this, including:

  • Additional resource to complete specialist projects and short-term objectives
  • Access to motivated students with specialist knowledge and ideas
  • A means of identifying potential future employees
  • A low-risk recruitment method for developing internal talent
  • An opportunity to develop closer links with Coventry University

What courses are eligible?

Visit the Extended Masters' Work Placement page to view eligible courses.

What are the key dates?

The below table provides an outline of the usual key timeframes for recruiting an Extended Master’s Student.

  September Cohort January Cohort May Cohort
Student work placement offer deadline March July November
Student available to start work placement May September  January 
Student to return to Coventry University to complete final semester May (following year) September (following year) January (following year)

Please note that the timeframes outlined in the table above are subject to vary and change.

How to engage?

Coventry University’s Talent Team can provide free advice and guidance to organisations looking to recruit Extended Master’s students; this can include:

  • Help with creating effective job adverts
  • Advice on best timelines for attracting students from the most relevant courses, depending on your organisational needs
  • Guidance around average wages, dependent on course and work experience routes
  • Help with initial CV collation

Frequently asked questions

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