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Community houses simulation

Community Houses

Our new Alison Gingell Building contains two purpose-built simulation houses which can be adapted to support a number of learning scenarios around helping patients in their own homes, assessing home settings and making adjustments to help a person to live independently once discharged from hospital.

Community Houses

Care at home

Our staff have done extensive research and developed community houses with learning programmes called Augmented Reality Community Homes (ARCH), allowing students to help a person to be cared for at home, thereby reducing their need to visit a hospital.

Virtual technologies are accessed through tablet devices and apps, letting students engage with a range of health challenges to understand patients' needs.

Role play and scenarios

explore how to help patients to problem solve and build self-confidence.

Forensic science

Forensic science students can practice techniques such as blood spatter analysis at our community houses to build forensic evidence and records and oversee investigations. 

We use a range of tools to analyse materials, fibres, drugs and ballistics at simulated crime scenes to provide practical and real life scenarios for students looking to go into the forensics sector.

Forensic Science

Mental health

Mental health can go be overlooked but did you know one in four people are expected to need help for mental health issues at some point in their life? Helping people back to good mental health is extremely satisfying and our mental health nurses work with ‘actors’ to enhance these experiences.

Hands on learning

Do you want to make a difference to people who are in need of support at home? Our community houses will provide the experience you need.


with a range of health challenges to understand patients' needs.

The variety of the placements have been really interesting and helped me to develop my skills and​ confidence.

Liz Wicks BSc Occupational Therapy

The learning environment and supportive atmosphere at Coventry provided an ideal platform for me to enter my Physiotherapy career with confidence.

Ed Hutton BSc Physiotherapy (Graduate)
 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023