Funding your undergraduate course
When it comes to funding, it's important to start preparing early. We have all the information you need to understand UK undergraduate student finance and funding, including:
- Applying for student finance
- Payment plans and methods if you're self-funding your course
- Documents needed if you're a sponsored student
- Scholarship opportunities available to you
Tuition fees are published on our course pages so make sure you check the course you're interested in for the latest information. As well as your course fees, you will also need to consider the cost of living. While this will depend on your lifestyle and spending habits, you could find your money goes further here in Coventry than in many other parts of the UK.
Clearing and student finance
Clearing opens on 5 July if you apply to us through Clearing and plan to fund your studies with a UK student loan, don’t forget to update your student finance application. Remember, updating your student finance application differs from changing your UCAS application.
Apply for student finance
As a UK undergraduate student, you may be entitled to two types of financial support – tuition fee and maintenance loans.
A tuition fee loan usually covers your course fees in full per year and is paid directly to the university. However, you can also apply for a maintenance loan to help you with your living costs while at university. This is paid directly into your bank account, usually in three instalments throughout the year, at the start of each semester.
Student loans are not like standard loans that you would receive from a bank. You only start repaying them once you are employed and are earning over a certain amount of money per year. The earliest you’ll start repaying is the April after you leave your course.
Guide to student finance
You may also be able to get extra money on top of this, for example if you’re on a low income, are disabled or have children.
Check if you’re eligible for student finance, how much you can get and how to apply.
Self-funding your course
Pay your fees with Convera GlobalPay
If you don't want to borrow your tuition fees from the government then you can self-finance your course – either by paying in full or arranging to pay your fees in instalments. As long as you are studying over 30 credits, you will be defaulted into the appropriate three instalment payment plan as detailed in our Tuition Fee Terms and Conditions.
Payments and instalments need to be made through Convera GlobalPay which is a quick and secure way to pay your deposit, tuition and accommodation fees online. You can check the fees for individual courses on our course finder.
Please note that any student failing to adhere to the applicable instalment scheme will be at risk of having restrictions applied to their university account.
If you have any queries about payments please contact a member of the Finance Team.
Sponsored students
If your fees are to be paid in part or fully by a sponsor (such as your employer), you will be required to provide a sponsor letter prior to enrolment every academic year. The evidence must meet the following criteria:
- Must be on company letterhead
- Quote student’s name and student ID
- Amount payable (must be in GBP)
- Purchase order number (if applicable)
- Email address for invoicing
- Signed/stamped
- Current date
- State the academic year and course/modules
- State that it is payable to Coventry University
- State invoice address if different to the sponsor’s address
- Contact details
Sponsored Letters are only to be completed by registered organisations and companies, and should not be used if your fees are to be paid by family members, friends etc., unless you are officially listed as an employee of theirs.
The completed sponsor letter needs to be emailed to
Contact us
We're here to help with any finance and funding questions you might have. Take a look at the relevant team's contact details below.