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Why study blended learning nursing?

Our blended learning nursing degrees provide online and in-person learning designed to give you more flexibility in your studies. The blended learning option is available at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Most of the time you can view lectures online at a time that is convenient to you and organise learning around your commitments. However, the courses still require full-time commitment and self-motivation as you will need to keep up with the overall weekly timetable.

Using the latest learning technology, virtual simulation experiences (VSE) aim to get you ready for life as a nurse. These virtual experiences immerse you in scenarios designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge needed to become an excellent nurse, in a safe but realistic environment.

You will also be required to attend university for two weeks each year (subject to change) for practical learning and clinical skills sessions.

Coventry University’s virtual simulation training wins award

Coventry University’s virtual simulation experiences (VSE), which allow healthcare students and qualified practitioners to experience real-life situations in a virtual world, has won a European award.

Read more here
Abbie Green, Assistant Professor in Health Simulation, accepts award


As half of the course is practice-based, you will be required to work 40 hours per week in each 10-week placement block. During these placements, you will need to be able to travel to your placement for your allocated shifts. You may be entitled to claim expenses from the NHS for these placements.

Virtual Simulated Placements (VSPs)

Up to 25% of your placements will be in innovative Virtual Simulated Placements (VSPs). These use virtual reality headsets to give you virtual access to patients, situations and various environments such as hospital wards, simulated patients’ homes and other surroundings that you would access on a placement. This software is also accessible from any computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone to ensure all students get access to the virtual simulated placement. See what virtual learning is like and how students can benefit from increased practice opportunities on the Patient Communication Simulators website. 

VSPs allow us to provide complex decision-making training that you may not get on an actual placement. We do this by creating a virtual world, a bit like a video game, where you can find information, fulfil tasks and treat virtual patients. We can mock-up patient X-rays and records, create role-play scenarios, add videos, 360 degree pictures and videos, and audio recordings to make this virtual setting seem real.

This can never replace holding a patient’s hand but it prepares you so that when you walk onto a ward you are not daunted.”

Dr Natasha Taylor, Curriculum Lead and Associate Professor for Simulation
Natasha Taylor wearing a VR headset

Blended nursing courses

At postgraduate level you can even choose from a number of nursing specialisms to take your career in the right direction at undergraduate level you study our Adult Nursing Blended Learning BSc. 

Student nurses inserting tube into dummy's nose

Payment for Nursing students

All UK students on the blended learning nursing degrees qualify for a non-repayable £5,000 a year payment from the UK Government.

Details and eligibility

I was after something that would allow me to build relationships and get to know patients and what they were going through; the holistic approach of nursing was the real selling point for me. Studying one module at a time on the course is intense, but it suits my style. I also like the flexibility of the course - all the material is there for you to study whenever you have time, and it works really well around family life, work and childcare.

Matt Ball, first year student, BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Blended Learning
 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023