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Campus-based undergraduate study

Most students qualify to become a nurse through an undergraduate degree, combining university-based lectures, tutorials and practical skills development with placements in NHS trusts. Placements are an important part of your education, enabling you to put the skills and learning you have obtained at university into practice under the supervision of experienced staff.

In addition to clinical skills you will develop your communication, teamwork and understand the values-based approach to nursing, enabling you to become an empathetic, compassionate and caring nurse.

Virtual tours

smart phone with a 3D block

At our campuses in Coventry, Scarborough and London you’ll have access to excellent facilities including mock wards and high-tech manikins that respond to the treatment given.

To get a feel for our facilities you can take a 360 tour of our mock ward, operating theatre, midwifery suite and ambulance.

Virtual Simulated Placements (VSPs)

You will be able to make use of our Virtual Simulated Placements (VSPs) which use software accessible from any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or even via virtual reality headset to give you access to virtual patients, situations and environments, such as hospital wards and simulated patients’ homes.

Amy Poole MacDonald, who is in the second year of her Children and Young People’s Nursing BSc degree, has just finished the course’s first four-week VSP that featured a week-long community nursing profile, moved onto virtual simulated case studies and finished with a week on clinical skills.

The former healthcare assistant has also been able to visit the wards at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) and assist qualified nurses.

We had a virtual case study on wound care, a little boy had a deep cut to his foot. We then had to follow the guidance as to how to repair it.

You could look at the guidance, research and ask questions of yourself, the staff and students. That scenario was helpful because when I was in A&E we had two different wounds needing two different approaches. It definitely made me feel like I knew what to do.

Amy Poole MacDonald, Children and Young People’s Nursing BSc (Hons) student
Two nurses doing observations on a baby in a cot
Student nurses practicing on a training manikin

Payment for Nursing students

All UK students on the campus-based nursing degrees qualify for a non-repayable £5,000 a year payment from the UK Government.

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TEF Gold 2023