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Adult nursing with a student nurse observing a patient

Postgraduate pre-registration nursing courses

Register your interest

The postgraduate courses are the quickest way to qualify, taking just two years.

  • They are particularly suitable for people who are looking to change career and have some experience of working in a care-related field.
  • You can study through face-to-face study on campus or through the blended learning courses, and choose from a number of specialisms.
  • These are intensive courses that enable you to demonstrate your ability to meet the nursing standards and qualify as a registered nurse.

You will use the latest in learning technology, including virtual reality learning, to gain a deep understanding of the knowledge and skills required to be an excellent nurse.

Student nurses practicing on a training manikin

Payment for Nursing students

All UK students on the postgraduate nursing degrees qualify for a non-repayable £5,000 a year payment from the UK Government.

If you are already qualified or looking for a postgraduate degree relating to nursing visit our work based learning and CPD page.

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