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Skyline view of skyscrapers in Beijing in China.

China Hub

Welcome to Coventry University’s China Hub, based in Beijing. The China Hub acts as a support platform between China and the Coventry University Group.

The team is there to support Chinese applicants, students and graduates. Equally, it also aims to strengthen established relationships and help develop new relationships with Chinese government bodies, research institutes, universities and commercial organisations, helping to ensure compliance with the Group and regional legislation.

Our team

Channeling and coordinating the university links though the Hub enables the team to promote all Coventry University Group activities and provide the local knowledge, contacts and expertise to the Group. The China Hub will assist in enhancing the university’s reputation and brand awareness within China leading to service improvements for the Coventry University Group.

Our office

Coventry Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Unit 2703, 27th Floor, Block C
Beijing Yintai Centre
Building 3
No2 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District 
Beijing, China, 100022

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023