Registry and Academic Affairs
Registry and Academic Affairs is a wide and varied department, responsible for supporting students throughout their journey at Coventry University from online enrolment to final award.
- Academic regulations are a set of rules that establish a framework for a university's academic standards.
- General Regulations apply to all Coventry university students in all years of their programme.
The University is committed to the highest standards of openness, integrity and accountability. We are committed to conducting our affairs in a responsible and transparent way and to take account of the requirements of our funding bodies for the proper use of public funds and for the standards required in public life.
Where an individual discovers information which they believe is unlawful or shows malpractice, impropriety or wrongdoing within the University Group, or its activities, then this information should be disclosed as soon as possible, without fear of reprisal. Any such disclosure will be investigated in line with our whistleblowing procedure
For more information, please contact:
Claire English, Interim Head of Governance & Group Company Secretary:
To access the procedure directly, please contact: