Equality policies, objectives and statistics
On this page you can find links to our latest Equality Policies, Objectives and statistics.
Statement of commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2021 (pdf, 2.2mb)
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion Statement 2019 (pdf, 134kb)
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2019 (pdf, 808kb)
Coventry University Group Access and participation plan 2025-26 to 2028-2029 (pdf, 807kb)
Coventry University Group: Summary of the 2025-26 to 2028-2029 access and participation plan (pdf, 48kb)
Equality objectives
Here you will find our Equality Objectives for 2020-2024 and Objectives that we have previously been working on dating back to 2012. It builds on the significant successes achieved in our previous ‘single schemes’ (on disability, gender and race) and more recently our first single equality scheme.
Equality Objectives 2020-2024 (pdf 98kb)
Equality Objectives Action Plan 2016-2020 (pdf, 114kb)
Equality Objectives 2016-2020 (pdf, 24kb)
Outcomes Equality Objectives 2016-2020 (pdf 307kb)
Equality Objectives Action Plan 2012–2016 (pdf, 100kb)
Equality Objectives 2012–2016 (pdf, 170kb)
Outcomes Equality Objectives 2012-2016 (pdf, 227kb)
Disabilities and health
Policy on the employment of people with disabilities or long-term health conditions
The University is committed to being a good employer of people with disabilities or long-term health conditions and to promoting a positive attitude on disability. It recognises that people with disabilities, whether obvious or unseen, face barriers in the workplace which can include assumptions, ignorance or the physical environment. This policy outlines the actions that the University is taking to ensure that people with disabilities or long-term health conditions are not unfairly treated.
Policy on the employment of people with disabilities or long-term health conditions (pdf, 130kb)
Pregnancy, maternity and adoption
Policy on Support to Students: Pregnancy, Maternity and Adoption
Coventry University believes that becoming pregnant or caring for a child should not, in itself, detract from the student's experience or their success in studies. The University is therefore committed to showing as much flexibility as possible to facilitate students’ success, making sure no student is disadvantaged whilst ensuring academic standards are not compromised. The amount of flexibility that can be offered may vary between courses but all departments will follow the general approach set out in this document.
Policy on Support to Students: Pregnancy, Maternity and Adoption (pdf, 110kb)
Annex A: Form (Microsoft Word, 35kb)
Annex B: Sources of Information and Help (Microsoft Word, 22kb)
Thank you for being interested in our staff and student profiles by equality analyses. In this section you will find many data sets on our staff and students.
We are particularly pleased by the increase in staff who have informed the Institution that they have a disability or long-term health condition. We also welcome the increase again in students from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds choosing to study at Coventry.
Where available, comparisons are given with the whole higher education sector and modern universities (also known as post-92s or new universities). This term specifically relates to any former polytechnics, central institutions or colleges of higher education that were given university status by by the government in 1992 as well as colleges that have been granted university status since then.
Please note that the documents below are the most recent statistics available for each year, so may be dated the previous calendar year.
All information is available in other formats, including hard (printed) copy in standard or large print. If you want any of this information in another format, contact l.carson@coventry.ac.uk. We aim to make all information accessible, including to people using assistive technology.
Please do let us know if you have difficulty accessing or understanding any of the data. Recommendations on how this can be improved are really welcome.